Rector elections 2014
The Rector and the Pro-Rector of the university college are elected for a four-year period at a time.
All the employees with voting right have also the right to send in a proposal for the rector candidacy. For a nomination to be valid, at least five people must sign the nomination. Each nomination can have a maximum of seven supporters. Nobody can support more than one candidate. Each proposal is for the rector candidate.
The person nominated for the rector position will nominate a candidate for the pro-rector position.
Who can be nominated?
Both employees from Volda University College and external candidates can be elected as rectors, according to the Universities and University Colleges’ law, 10-2, nr. 1.
Voting right for employees
One must be employed in at least 50% position at VUC, and start in the position latest on the Election Day. Those employed for less than one year do not have voting right, unless they have been employed for up to one year prior to the current position.
Voting right for students
Only students who paid the semester fee have the right to vote for the Rector elections.
Voting lists
Lists with the names of the people with voting right will be made available at Berte Kanutte building, in the reception, from 20th October on.
Nominations and voting urns
The Election Committee has prepared forms that might be used by everyone with a voting right. Urns will be placed in the reception, in BK-building.
Important dates
1. Nomination of rector candidate: from Monday, 20th October until Friday, 31st October
2. Deadline for the nominees to accept/reject nomination: 4th November, 15:45 o’clock
3. Period of time during which the rector candidate must find a pro-rector candidate: from Tuesday, 4th November until Friday, 11th November
4. Campaign period: from Wednesday 12th November until Friday 21st November
5. Pre-elections: from Saturday, 22nd November until Tuesday, 2nd December
6. Election day (urn/online vote): Wednesday, 3rd December and Thursday, 4th December
Rector and pro-rector are chosen only by a clear majority. Voting can be done either at the urns, or electronically, according to point 4 in the elections regulations. If no candidate receives more than 50% of the votes in the first round, a new round will be organized. Faculty members count for 55% of all votes, administrative employees count for 20% of all votes and students count for 25% of all votes.