The Research Days 2014 is arranged by Volda University College from 19th-23rd September. This year the audience can participate in jazz seminars, experience a Pecha Kucha night at the student house Rokken, or taste traditional Norwegian food at the Volda Bygdetun museum. The program also includes a number of interesting lectures and seminars, held by faculty members at Volda University College.

84448d1888cc5d20d14e6fe1496ee219Coordinator for the Research Days 2014, Geir Tangen, rector Per Halse and pro-rector Marie Nedregotten Sørbø welcomes everyone to the festival.

The Research Days is an annual national festival, which has had more than a thousand events spread across the country in the last few years. The festival has been arranged 20 times so far, and is a cooperation between The Research Council of Norway and universities, colleges, research institutes, libraries, museums, municipalities and businesses all over the country.

Each year, a different theme is chosen for the festival. The national theme this year is “Communication”, and several of the events at Volda University College reflect this. The lectures include topics such as “Communication and Immigration”, “Communication in a Crisis Situation” and “Selfies”.

In addition to the research presented by the faculty members, master degree students at Volda University College will also present their theses. The students will discuss topics within the fields of New Norwegian Written Culture, Special Education, Health and Care, Planning and Leadership and Documentary and Journalism.

 – Volda University College receives a lot of support from the local community, and with the Research Days we would like to give something back. All the events are therefore free and open for everyone, says rector Per Halse.

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