Semester start: – Look forward to everything to come!
With generous advice for the student life, Molde jazz festival director and former VUC student Endre Volden set the tone for a memorable opening of the academic year at Volda University College.

A warm hug going into the new semester. Photo: VUC / Vilde Moltudal Igland.
With generous advice for the student life, Molde jazz festival director and former VUC student Endre Volden set the tone for a memorable opening of the academic year at Volda University College.
The sun didn't shine, but the hundreds of eager smiles at the start of the academic year shone all the brighter in the college town of Volda. Newly arrived students were quickly shown that the ever-changing Sunnmøre weather never hinders the wide range of experiences between fjord and mountain, lectures and parties—as long as you have good vibes and appropriate clothing.
Tuesday August 20th marked the beginning of the 2024/2025 academic year at Volda University College (VUC). The Volda-based band MAK, featuring students on vocals and guitar, delivered a spectacular introduction. The large crowd on the grass behind the Berte Kanutte building clearly enjoyed the band's self-produced goosebump-inducing rock.
Rector: – More than just a University College
Teacher education students Torvald Ljostveit Reiersen and Dorthea Nygård Heen led the opening ceremony with a steady hand – a good illustration of how, in Volda, the distance between students and staff is small. For many, this is a significant advantage in their daily academic life.
In his speeech, Rector Odd Helge Mjellem Tonheim emphasized the tight-knit relations and an active, collaborative student life as key qualities of VUC:
– We are more than just a university college. VUC is a place where we all, both staff and students, work together to achieve our vision: Competence for a better society.
Tonheim told vividly about five talented staff members from various parts of VUC—each receiving applause from the audience—who pour their heart and soul into giving students the best opportunities to grow. Using these individuals as symbols of the entire college, Tonheim emphasized the strength of the community that new students can become a part of in the student town of Volda.
– I encourage you all to seize the opportunities that lie ahead of you. Engage in your studies, participate actively in the teaching, and take part in the rich academic and social environment we have here at Volda University College. Together we can create something great, and together we can help make the world a little better. Good luck with the new academic year!
- You can read the full speech by the Rector here (scroll down below the Norewgian speech).
Keynote speaker advised students not to fear mistakes
This year’s keynote speaker at the semester opening was Endre Volden, Managing Director of Moldejazz and an adventurous Volda student back in the day. He highlighted, among other things, the value of moving to a smaller college town during one's formative years.
– After being a student in Volda, you will take with you a different perspective that will enrich you, give you broad vision and be a competitive advantage when you are looking for jobs. You will have a greater understanding of the real Norway: the rural Norway. You will understand Norway in a completely different way than fellow students in the big cities, he told an attentive audience.
Sprinkled with personal reflections, Volden offered a warm greeting to the Volda students, who are now set to fill their memory books with highlights for life.
– Relax and take it easy. You'll be fine if you keep your cool and play your cards right. It is not dangerous to fail a course. Every experience will be something you can draw upon in your professional life. You will not be a worse journalist if you study a year of theatre. Quite the contrary. You will not be less entrepreneurial if you spend a year studying contemporary literature and rhetoric. Rather the opposite. All these experiences will be useful. Only you can show your unique mosaic of experiences to a future employer.
Volden encouraged the audience to find their place in their own way and to give of themselves—be the "thermometer" for the university college, so it can develop in the direction that students need and want.
– Look forward to everything to come. As we say in jazz: The gold lies in the unpredictable and unscripted.
Student leader encouraged building bridges
Between speeches and performances on stage, new students were given wonderful insights into everything Volda has to offer, from the outdoors and cultural life to welfare services and study facilities. Even seasoned VUC-ers might have felt a sense of pride and adventure from a fresh view on the wast opportunities the local area offers.
Just a stone's throw from the opening ceremony, the rumble of construction machinery could be heard, ensuring that by next semester, everyone can enjoy the new swimming facility Voldabadet. Both the students and the college town share an ambitious outlook for the future.
– Don't be a fly on the wall, but get involved, was one of many useful peer-to-peer tips that the hosts Torvald and Dorthea sprinkled throughout the ceremony.

One person who has clearly gone the extra mile to engage beyond his studies is Maher Othman, Chair of the Student Parliament at VUC. He welcomed those present by highlighting the students' societal role.
– We are not only here to acquire knowledge, but also to challenge it, to think critically, and to find innovative solutions to the complex challenges the world is facing.
Othman emphasised the enthusiasm and influence that students have at VUC, and that everyone has a responsibility to include and support each other and foster a sense of unity.
– It is in this diversity of thoughts, experiences, and backgrounds that we find the strength to grow as individuals and as a society. So let us use this year to build bridges, not walls. Let's be curious, not satisfied. Let us be brave, not afraid. And above all, let us remember that education is more than just a personal investment; it is a common good that we share with the world.
Buddy Week ahead!
After speeches offering valuable advice and important perspectives, a glance over the audience revealed a bit of extra excitement and anticipation among the newest faces. The lively days of Buddy Week await, where first-year students often step out of their comfort zones and into friendships for life.
Emily MacPherson, adviser for the Student Parliament, took on the task of outlining what this year's Buddy Week can look forward to in the coming days, guided by more experienced student mentors who volunteer to continue the good Volda spirit:
– During Buddy Week, you will get to know everything we have to offer here in Volda, with plenty of entertainment. I hope you have a fantastic week!
Buddy Week 2024 features everything from barbecues, quizzes, and summer games to themed parties, gospel nights, and concerts with profiled artists. To ensure inclusivity, many events will also be alcohol-free. Read more about the Buddy Week here!
As the opening ceremony concluded, we could confirm that a slightly grey weather forecast turned into a mild breeze with just a few refreshing drops. Could this be a promising sign for the 2024/2025 academic year?
The eager VUC debutants gathered in their buddy groups to begin autumn's most beautiful ritual on campus: a new academic year, a new personal chapter, new experiences, new challenges – memories for life.
A warm welcome to all of our students!