The Short Film Festival in Grimstad – in Volda! 

In collaboration vith Volda University College and Volda municipality, the Norwegian Short Film Festival will show their program at the cinema in Volda 9th – 13th of June. – Great films at a really low price, promises the organizers.

Komunikasjonssjef ved Høgskulen i Volda Line Lauvsnes Oddekalv (f.v.), masterstudent Julie Wiken Krogstadmo, kulturleiar i Volda kommune Kristina Kostopoulos og kinomedarbeidar Mats Dahle Svoren gler seg til kortfilmfestival i Volda.

Tekst: Line Lauvsnes Oddekalv

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In collaboration vith Volda University College and Volda municipality, the Norwegian Short Film Festival will show their program at the cinema in Volda 9th – 13th of June. – Great films at a really low price, promises the organizers.

As one of 12 selected cinemas in Norway, Volda Filmteater will show the competition program for Norwegian short films, documentaries and music videos from the Norwegian Short Film Festival the coming week.

Like a number of other festivals, the traditional Short Film Festival had to change their way of thinking local festival to reach their audience, with covid-19-restrictions making it hard to do it the «old» way. So – if the audience can’t come to Grimstad, Grimstad will come to the audience. 

Twelve selected cinemas all over Norway will show the competition program for Norwegian short films, documentaries and music videos. And Volda is one of the chosen ones! 

Lots of movies at low prices

- We are very happy to be one of the cinemas showing the festival program, says cultural leader in Volda municipality, Kristina Kostopoulos.

Together with cinema employee Mats Dahle Svoren and communications manager at Volda University College, Line Lauvsnes Oddekalv, she is looking forward to inviting the Volda audience to a bonus festival.

- We will show two blocks of film every day, from Wednesday to Sunday. Here is a fantastic lot of good film at low prices! We hope it contributes to many people getting these pearls, says Kostopoulos.

- A festival pass will cost 250 kroner, then you have access to all the previews every day. If you want to choose a block of films, for example on Friday at 17.30, it only costs 40 kroner! For students and schoolchildren, the price will be 200 and 35 kroner respectively.

Still studens left in Volda

- This is a great initiative, says student Julie Wiken Krogstadmo, who is studying a Master in Media Practices at Volda University College.

Even though the academic year is coming to an end, Wiken Krogstadmo says that there’s students left in Volda still. – For many of us, there’s less restrictions and more activity here in Summøre than other places in Norway or abroad. And at the same time, it’s of course important to minimize travelling, says the student, who will attend the festival herself. 

- We are lucky to be able to get such an offer, says Julie Wiken Krogstadmo.

That’s good news for Kostopoulos and the co-organizers, and really one of the reasons driving them to go through with the arrangement: 

- A lot of people miss more social meeting places and events. We hope this can be something that offers both a really good film experience and something social, of course within all restrictions and in a safe environment! So: Welcome to the Short Film Festival in Grimstad - in Volda!

PS! The short film festival in Grimstad is the second oldest film festival in Norway, and has been held since 1978. The motive is the same now, as 43 years ago: - It is about the joy of sharing film experiences and getting the film community together, the organizers si homepage. 

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