Soon you can travel by public transport to and from the airport

Good news for students: From 23rd of August, you can take a bus or taxi, at a bus fare, to and from Ørsta-Volda Airport, Hovden.

Tekst: Per Straume

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Good news for students: From 23rd of August, you can take a bus or taxi, at a bus fare, to and from Ørsta-Volda Airport, Hovden.

There will be ordinary bus service during the day and shuttle transport morning, evening and weekend. The order transport is by taxi, but you pay the bus fare.

The local routes 338 Volda-Ørsta-Ulsteinvik and 340 Ørsta-Volda will run to and from the airport when there are bus departures that suit the flight times.

Taxi for bus

For those departures and arrivals that there is no scheduled bus, it will be possible to order FRAM Svipp, which is FRAM's new arrangement for order transport.
With FRAM Svipp you are picked up at home and driven to the airport - or from the airport and home, and you pay the same as it would cost to take a bus. The transport is by taxi, and there may be more people in the taxi. You pay the driver.

– FRAM Svipp is a new system for order transport that FRAM will use. The project at Hovden is a pilot project to test the solution, says Ingebjørg Nergaard, advisor in FRAM and project leader for the pilot project.

– We have great faith that FRAM Svipp will be well received and that more people will now choose to travel collectively to and from the airport, Nergaard said.

How FRAM Svipp works

The offer will be available for defined, zones close to the center in Ørsta and Volda municipality, which means that the space one is to drive from or to, must be within the defined zones. FRAM will provide further information about the zones before start-up on 23rd of August.

Orders must be placed in the Svipp app, which will be available shortly before start-up. For departures before 09:00 in the morning, you must place your order no later than 22:00 the night before. For other departures, you must book no later than 1 hour before you will be picked up at home when you are to be driven to the airport. When booking, you must enter enough time to be at the airport at least 25 minutes before departure. If you are going to travel from the airport and home, you must book a minimum of 15 minutes before you want to travel.

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