Sports course for Erasmus students

The Faculty of Art and Physical Education introduced the ERASPORT-course designed specifically for international students this spring. The aim of the course is to introduce international students to Norwegian physical education, sport traditions and outdoor life (friluftsliv).


The students have had both theoretical and practical lessons. The topics related to the practical sessions has been coastal outdoor life on Yknsøya, recreation and orienteering in the local environment, swimming and lifesaving in the pool, CPR, Norwegian and international folk dance, ballgames etc. The ERSAPORT-students have also been involved as instructors at “Spenningskurset” on Bjorli, where the focus was adapted education in practice.

─ I was looking forward to every hour of this course 

This is Ion Alina Adrianas note about adventures and experiences as a student at the ERASPORT-course:

Thank you to the professors of the ERASPORT-course who gave us SO beautiful memories! ERASPORT was a lesson of life because it gave me the chance to learn about fair play, gratitude and motivation! The memories from this course are about how to feel and see the life in connection with the nature. Nearness to the nature, cross-country skiing in the forest, dog sledging, rafting and zip lining which are just a few words to describe this amazing experience. It was for me a challenge and it helped me discover the pleasure of living in harmony with nature, the joy of skiing or the usefulness of swimming. And if you feel that is not enough, you will discover the key of a happy life by practicing the Norwegian and other international folk dances.


I was looking forward to every hour of this course because it brought something new for me in a motivational way! Near the beautiful people, it was challenging to learn how to orientate on the map and how to use a rowboat in the middle of the nature of Norway.

One of the most significant aspects of this course is the fact that I learned how to enjoy the beauty of life through friendship, motivation and fair play during the Spenningkurset. A mixture of emotions in the fresh air with the best professors represents an ideal way to learn outside about the beauty of sport and life in Norway. I have learned from a professional team the courage to save a life, how to smile when you win a game and how to understand the perfect connection between sport and nature.

I will recommend the ERASPORT-course for all the international students because it will be useful for their entire life!

P.S. (I don’t have many pictures but my memories will be forever!)

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