Students can take Covid-19 test on campus

In order to facilitate corona testing for students, it will be possible to take the test on campus. First possible date for testing is 18th of January, from 15:00 to 16:00.

Tekst: Per Straume

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In order to facilitate corona testing for students, it will be possible to take the test on campus. Next date for testing is 18th of January, from 15:00 to 16:00.

In collaboration with the test authorities in Ørsta and Volda municipalities, VUC will offer all the students the possibility to test themselves for Covid-19 on campus. The offer will be available in the coming weeks, as many students arrive to Volda for the start of the spring semester. 

This offer is directed at students, since many do not have access to a car and therefore have difficulties in getting to the testing station in Hovdebygda. 

The possibility to test on campus is open to students who fulfil one or more of the following criteria:

  • Are coming from areas with high infections rates
  • Think they might have been exposed to infection
  • Have symptoms of airways infection. 

Place: Aasen 113
Date: 07.01.2021 and 14.01.2021 (more dates will be available)
Time: from 15:00 to 16:00

Important information about the testing: 

  • Order testing beforehand! You can do this by calling the corona-telephone 7005 8960, preferably in the timeslot 12:00 to 14:00.
  • Meet as close to the timeslot you were allocated as possible, in order to avoid unnecessary lines
  • Hold at least 2 m distance from others
  • Use face mask if you have symptoms of airways infection or if you feel unwell in any way
  • Go directly to the test area, and leave as soon as you have taken the test. 

Test results:
For students registered with a Norwegian personal number, the test results can be found on the online portal Otherwise, one can ring the corona telephone during the opening hours. The test results can be expected within two days. 

More information abou the corona test can be found at:

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