Students can take Covid 19 test at the college

Students in Volda can now take a Covid 19 test both before, during and after the Buddy Week at a separate test station at Volda University College.

Tekst: Per Straume

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Students in Volda can now take a Covid 19 test both before, during and after the Buddy Week at a separate test station at Volda University College.

In collaboration with the test station Volda and Ørsta municipality, Volda University College will set up a separate test station in the next two weeks.

Covid 19 testing will be offered at the college on the following days:

Monday 16.08. at 13 - 15
Tuesday 17.08. at 13 - 15
Thursday 19.08. at 13 - 15
Tuesday 24.08. at 13 - 15

The testing will take place in Pavljong C at the college. It is not necessary to book an appointment in advance, but if you still want this, it can be done on the corona phone: +47 70058960 (open 09 - 12).

Otherwise, the test station for Volda and Ørsta municipality is located in Hovdebygda, midway between Volda and Ørsta. You can book an appointment online or call the corona phone: 70058960 (open 09–12).

– We encourage students to use the test station. This is a low-threshold offer with drop-in hours where you can test yourself without having symptoms, says Karen Lomeland Jacobsen, director at Volda University College.

Who should test themselves?

The municipality wants students who are visitors from areas with higher infection pressure to take a coronal test a few days after they have arrived in Volda. This applies, for example, to visitors from Oslo and Bergen. This also applies if you do not have symptoms. One is then not quarantined pending the test result.

If you feel ill or have been in close contact with someone with proven covid-19, the municipality requests that you stay at home and contact the corona telephone on +47 70058960 (open 09–12) to arrange testing.

Also nice to read: Working for a safe start of the semester

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