Tonheim wants to become the rector

Odd Helge Mjellem Tonheim is standing as candidate for rector for the board period 2023-2027. He has Eirik Søvik with him as vice-rector candidate for the election to the rectorship.

Rektorkandiat, Tonheim og Søvik

Rektorkandidat og prorektorkandidat, Odd Helge Mjellem Tonheim og Eirik Søvik

Tekst: Per Straume, Foto: Karl August Swanstrøm

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Odd Helge Mjellem Tonheim is standing as candidate for rector for the board period 2023-2027. He has Eirik Søvik with him as vice-rector candidate for the election to the rectorship.

Tonheim is currently vice-rector at the Volda University College and now wants to become rector for the next four years. Tonheim has been vice-rector for a period under Johann Roppen. Roppen is resigning as headmaster in the summer of 2023 after having held the job for eight years - according to the regulations, he could not stand for election for a new term.

The election period is 9th of December – 16th of December at 1 p.m.

Rector's candidate: Odd Helge Mjellem Tonheim

Odd Helge Mjellem Tonheim is senior lecturer in mathematics didactics, and from 2006 has been appointed at the Volda University College (VUC) Throughout these 16 years, he has been active in the development of education at VUC, both as a teacher, researcher, trustee and director of studies. From 1st of August 2019, Tonheim has been vice-chancellor at VUC.

Vice-rector candidate: Eirik Søvik

Eirik Søvik is a professor of biology, and since 2016 has worked at the University of Volda (VUC). Before this, he took a doctorate in Australia and worked for 3 years in the USA as a postdoctoral fellow. In addition to teaching in the teacher and kindergarten teacher training courses, Søvik has engaged as a researcher, also after he was appointed to Volda. Among other things, he leads the interdisciplinary research group "Medvit", and is one of the most cited researchers at VUC. Søvik has been head of department for the department of science since 2018, and sits on the university board in the period 2019–2023.

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