– In uncertain times, Volda is a temperate and safe place

Tekst: Per Straume , Foto: Høgskulen i Volda

- Oppdatert

Rector Johann Roppen talked about safety and quality when he wished new students a warm welcome during the opening of the semester at Volda University College (VUC).

After several years of alternative forms of opening a new academic year, Volda University College could once again welcome its new students with a large joint celebration that included speeches, music and entertainment.

For the eighth and last time as rector, Johann Roppen spoke to students who have chosen Volda as their place of study.

The rector was concerned that it should be safe to come to Volda. He emphasized that one is lucky to avoid both record heat, drought and war and gave a special greeting to the Ukrainian students.

– In uncertain times, Volda remains a temperate, safe place, which is easy to navigate. We are happy that just you, each and every one of you here today, have chosen Volda this year. Together with you all, we will do our outmost to ensure that you will enjoy your time with us and learn as much as possible in the time to come.

– Be active

In 2022, the university adopted a new strategic plan, which states that the university's vision is: "Competence for a better society.". It also states that: "Volda University College must have a varied and innovative high-quality learning environment".

To achieve this, Roppen highlighted everything that has happened in the university area in recent years and also the plans going forward.

– The new media house, Sivert Aarflot-building, that could be #the-best-media-building-in-the-world. Our new neighbour, Volda Campus Sparebank 1 Arena, a venue for national and international elite sports. A new swimming hall with indoor water park will be built 50 meters from our main entrance. And we are continuing to renovate and rebuild our other campus buildings.

But in order to create a learning environment of high quality and innovation, it depends on more than good facilities. In addition to teachers and research-based teaching that will help contribute to this, Roppen proposed to the students.

– It is a role you must actively choose to take. To not only participate actively in the day-to-day class activities, but also in the systematic work for quality assurance.

Lots to experience

Roppen is also concerned that the students should have fun, live well and experience a lot when they are in Volda.

– It is a lot to here, whether you are drawn to cultural encounters, or look for opportunities for hiking, skiing or adventures at sea.

Our region boasts world class travel destinations. From Volda you have easy access to rugged mountain peaks, wild winds, and water in large quantities. However, our mountains claim lives every year. So take care of yourself and others. Seek the necessary knowledge to be safe in nature, encouraged the rector.

Started laughing

The good life in Volda was also taken up by Borghild Otelie Aasebøstøl, keynote speaker at this year's opening. To give some of what she conveys in her completely whimsical and humorous way here in writing, is basically just wrong. The students and the others present were lucky to experience the university lecturer in theater and drama live on stage.

Aasebøstøl took the audience on a journey to her first day of study in Volda, when she left the village of Ulsvåg with 200 inhabitants in Nordland and after 23 hours arrived in Volda and, with good help, was able to straighten up and move the load up to the dormitory on the third floor.

She said that she left Volda again after a year but returned again after another year.

– To be honest I did return. After spending one year somewhere else, I came back to complete my BA in Theatre. And I even added another year course. Because there is something about Volda. Something quite unique. The people here are great! Just look around. 

– It’s the mountains and the bathing spots, it’s Rokken, it’s student sports, theatre, concerts, a day trip to Ålesund, and there are parties, and there is the occasional exam. I can’t quite find the words for it, but perhaps it will come to me. Because I’ve managed to get myself into a job here as well. Best of luck to all of you new students, said Aasebøstøl.

– Calm down

Trond Fredrik Hoddevik, leader of the Student Parliament in Volda, did also wish the new students good luck. On the way to an exam and a diploma, he encouraged his new fellow students to use the university grounds for other things than just studying and writing assignments.

– As a student at VUC the campus is always open for you. You are always welcome to chill in a vacant classroom, study at the library or drop by the cafeteria for a bite. Whether you wake at first light, or if you are like me, more of a night owl who appreciate the serenity of night, the campus is the place to be. 

– It is here that you will meet the many student organisations, especially now during the Buddy Week (Fadderveka). They can offer activities such as writing for the student magazine Peikestokken, planning festivals such as Animation Volda, organising sport events with VSI and getting involved with student politics in the Student Parliament. You can find out more about the many organisations in the pink brochure in your Buddy bags (“Fadderbag”).

Hoddevik also reminded that there is a good support system around the students in Volda, which is there for the students and offers various services.

– If the assignment or exam become just too much, don’t give up. Calm down and talk to one of our wonderful counsellors, psychologists, or the student priest/humanist. You have lots of services to choose from and you are not alone. 

Woo Andersson won the Student Prize

After Hoddevik the buddies gradually took over the stage and guided the new students further into the buddy week.
Last year, it was Stian Woo Andersson who led that session, as head of the buddy week. This year he came up on stage to recieve the Student Prize.

The jury had the following to say about the award winner: Stian Woo Andersson has, through volunteering and student organisations, contributed to increasing student welfare and well-being through various posts, including at Rokken, in the Volda Student Sports Association and as leader of the buddy week. The jury accepted a good nomination that points out that he fulfills the requirements for the award, which we believe makes him deserve this year's Student Prize for good work for the students at Volda University College.


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