Voted and won

Tekst: Tone Solhaug

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Patrick Shuster received his price from the director at VUC, Jacob Kjøde and the head of the election comitee, Mona-Cesilie Andersen. In total 528 students voted, this is a signicantly higher participation than we've had in the previous elections.

Why did you vote?
I voted because I know some people who are running as candidates for a place in the board. Since that, I got an impression what are these people stand for and what kind of changes they have in mind. For me, as a single voter I’m happy to support them because I think the right people should be in place in the board.

Is it important to vote?
Since we’re living in a democratic system which is a result of a historical fight for the right to vote, I think the least what we can do is to give our vote to representatives who are sharing our opinion on certain matters. Every vote counts and each of us has the possibilty to influence the system and that makes it important for me personally to vote. 

What do you think about that the election was in Fronter?
I really appreciated to vote online. Firstly, you can do it easily from home with a few mouse clicks. The online election on Fronter was well presented with the most important facts and easy to use.

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