Want a world famous photographer as your teacher? 

Through his lense, we’ve been given iconic pictures, known all over the world. He’s worked for Time Magazine and National Geographic. And Volda College University. You can still apply for Stuart Franklin’s class for January 2020. 

Stuart Franklin

Tekst: Line Lauvsnes Oddekalv, Foto: Tanja Pfoehler

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Through his lense, we’ve been given iconic pictures, known all over the world. He’s worked for Time Magazine and National Geographic. He teaches in London and Paris. And in Volda. 

Stuart Franklin shares his broad knowledge within photography in the class Documentary Photography.  You can still apply for the course starting at Volda College University in January 2020 – but be quick! The possibility to learn from one of the world’s best photographers is an unique opportunity. 

Franklin is the man behind the iconic picture of the «tank man» at Tiananman square in Bejing in 1989. Through his lense he’s also captured the hunger crisis in Sudan, the tragedy at Heysel stadium and the civil war in Lebanon. He’s won a ton of awards for his work, and has a resymé including Time Magazine, National Geographic, and a membership in Magnum Photos. 

If you want to develop your documentary photography skills, Franklin’s class of 2020 starts in January. It’s one semester, giving 30 study points. The class gathers in Volda five times during the semester, four days each time. Read more and apply here! 



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