Yay! Animation Volda is ON!
Finally happy news for all festival lovers: Animation Volda is one of the few festivals NOT having to cancel due to Corona restrictions. Make sure to highlight 1st – 4th of October in your calender!
Finally happy news for all festival lovers: Animation Volda is one of the few festivals NOT having to cancel due to Corona restrictions. Make sure to highlight 1st – 4th of October in your calender!
This will be the 14th time Animation Volda are arranged. This festival provides amazing animation work of quite different styles to both people of Volda and the international scene. At this years’ festival, you will be able to experience everything we have come to know Animation Volda for: Big names, workshops, classes, social arrangements – and of course, fabulous films!
Working through the summer
As always, the first graders of the animation study at Volda University College (VUC) are in charge of the festival. That means quite the different summer for the board of Animation Volda. They are working through the holidays to make sure the festival will become a success. This is not a hard priority, according to head of the festival, Mali Evjen. Being 2020 and Corona times, they are of course happy simply to be able to have a festival at all. – We are SO happy, says Mali. – With the current restrictions and infection control measures, we will manage to give people Animation Volda the way it use to be. If neccessary, we will limit the tickets – but it looks like we make this happen according to our plans, says Mali. She works closely with the school management and her fellow board members.
Record high participation
Actually, there WILL be some changes to this years’ festival – but that is not the scaling-down type. As a matter of fact, the number of films will be record high this year! The festival board recieved 1300 films from animatiors hoping to show their work. That unfortunately means a lot of nos. 50 have made the tough cut, and are due to be show both on both outside and inside screenings in October. – It’s quite the job to look through and set the program, but we are of course not complaining. The number of applicants is simply amazing, and should promise for a great festival, says Mali Evjen.