Gunnar Strøm til Chiavari International Animation Festival

Tekst: Webmaster Volda

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På heimesidene til den relativt nye filmfestivalen står det m. a:

The aim of the Chiavari International Animation Festival is to create an event in Italy that reflects the international world of animation today. Indeed, more than ever, animation is the focus of powerful media interests (in cinema, television, music, advertising, or industrial and commercial ambits generally). And, animated cinema is also living an extremely crucial phase in the field of artistic experimentation. This is expressed both in the new look it is taking at the traditional body of techniques and themes, as well as in its treatment of the new inspirations that the new technologies have so rapidly made available.

The Festival, therefore, hopes to become a European and worldwide reference, a response to something that is lacking in Italy : that is, a far-reaching event that does not specialize in one specific category of animation (for example, animation destined for television production or digital film). By revitalizing the artistic and expressive principles at the very basis of animated film, the commitments of the Festival are to:

  • offer Italian and international viewers the best production in animated film, whether from a historical perspective or in terms of the contemporary scene
  • confirm the fundamental importance of the auteur, and of individual expression, without demeaning the necessity of analysis nor the industrial and commercial mechanisms associated with animation
  • recover and circulate filmic material that is rare and in danger of falling into oblivion
  • give auteurs the opportunity to have direct contact with the public; and the public, the chance to discover the people behind the films
  • promote and finance study, research and editorial production devoted to animated cinema and its themes and central figures. This would be achieved through scientific publications published at the charge of the Festival, presented simultaneously, or included in the Festival catalogue
  • bring together and encourage exchange between artists and industry professionals from all parts of the world; and finally,
  • award productions deemed most successful from a qualitative point of view, by specially appointed international juries


Førsteamanuensis Gunnar Strøm skal orientere om animasjonsfilmutdanninga ved Høgskulen i Volda.

Om Strøm sitt innlegg.

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