Oslo Animasjonsfestival 1998

Tekst: Kristian Fuglseth

- Oppdatert

I tillegg har fire av våre tidlegare studentar vore sentrale i produksjonen av filmen «Huset på Kampen» av Pjotr Sapegin som vart kåra til beste film av både fagjuryen og publikum.

- Dette viser for det første at studentane våre får jobb, og at arbeidet dei gjer held eit høgt fagleg nivå, seier førsteamanuensis Gunnar Strøm ved HVO.

HVO var den einaste animasjonshøgskulen i Norden som var representert i hovudprogrammet.

Beste debutfilm
Prisen for beste debutfil gjekk til tidlegare student ved HVO Julie Engaas (uteksaminert i 1997). Vi siterer juryen:

Hjertesukk (Sigh) av Julie Engaas, Norway.
We thought it was a clever and original view on an old subject. It had depth and worked on several levels. We felt it was brave and intelligent of the animator not to get in the way of the idea, it was allowed to live. Although it could have easily fallen into the sentimental trap, the harsh reality of the subject matter stopped it doing so. Even the titles sequence was time well used. So the winner of the Best Debut Film is "Sigh", by Julie Engaas . (the award was presented by Paul Berry) The Best Debut Film prize is given by Oslo
Animation Festival.

Heiderleg omtale
fekk også filmane «Easy Living through Chemistry» av Benjamin Westerfjell og Lars Hegdal (eksamensfilmar HVO 1997) og «NOAH» av Ine Akselberg (eksamensfilm HVO 1997). Juryen skriv:

Special mention from the jury: The first film we wish to give mention was called "Easy Living through Chemistry" - Benjamin Westerfjell and Lars Hegdal, Norway. We though it was a very different subject matter to tackle in a first attempt. It was well handled using a simple graphic style and the use of live action worked very well. We all felt it was a very brave attempt which should be applauded and encouraged.

The second film we would like to mention prior to the award-winner, was called "NOAH" - Ine Akselberg, Norway. We felt it was a very well-animated film, full of wit, good character observations which didn't just rely on gags. It was truly humorous. Also the sound design was well thought out and added an extra dimension.

Spesiell jurypris
Her vart det nominert to filmar, og filmen til tidlegare animasjonsstudent Jan Otto Ertresvåg frå Hareid, kom ikkje heilt opp, men fekk rosande omtale av juryen:

After a lot of debate, 2 films were singled out. One of them we simply wish to mention: this was "On Hold", which we felt was certainly original in the way it presented itself: The characters were particularly so, being unconventional in design and animation. It was
also intelligent in the way it handled the subject of time.

Meir info: Førsteamanuensis Gunnar Strøm

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