«Buddy Week» in Volda

Tekst: Line Lauvsnes Oddekalv

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As a new student in Volda, you should feel welcome and taken care of! That is the goal of Buddy Week, a week filled with different events for almost any taste, in a safe environment where friendship and getting familiar both at campus and your new home town are some of the goals. Get a taste of what’s waiting for you the first week in Volda! 

- I missed out on Buddy Week when I started at Volda University College (VUC) two years ago, and it took time to build up a network when I arrived later. For instance, it took me six months to figure out there was a student sports team in Volda, says head of Buddy Week, Stian Woo Andersson. He and his crew of Buddy Week want to make sure new students get a better experience and start. 

The Buddy Week board has worked hard to plan for the first week of the semester being one of the highlights of the student year. 

 - Use the buddies! 

When the official opening of the academic year is over, Buddy Week and the buddies (senior students) takes over. The students are divided into buddy groups, each having their own buddy, that will take care of them for the rest of the week. 

- Students should feel safe with the buddies and use them actively. We are here for the new students and have a great understanding that there are many questions. Do not be afraid to ask them, Andersson encourages.
- We feel that we have an extra important job this year. We’ve all had less social contact the past year. This has been tough for many o fus. Therefore, we want to help ensure that the new students have a good social offer when they start up at VUC! 

Follow Buddy Week on Facebook and Instagram - and see the program at the official web page Fadderveka.no 

Events for everyone

Outdoor concert at Årneset, where there are also beautiful facilities for grilling, swimming and beach volleyball, rebus trail, useful lectures on student finances and other things that are nice for new students, flea market and speed dating… These are some of the plans Buddy Week has. In addition, the student organizations in Volda will arrange a lot of happenings.

Student organizations to join

- We have challenged the student organizations to think creatively about events during Buddy Week. It can be a lot of social and fun activities. For example, we have the hiking group Natura that can use the magnificent nature we have outside our door here, Volda Student Sports Club which usually has a wide offer may want to come up with something. Volda is lucky enough to have both student newspaper, student radio and student TV that definitely will come up with something to welcome the new students - there are many good organizations that are guaranteed to show up during your first week, predicts the head of Buddy Week, Andersson.

Rokken – the student house

And then he has not yet mentioned Rokken, the student house in Volda, which has its own program. They usually offer cool concerts with famous artists, disco nights, open mic, stand up and more - always with a super good atmosphere. As long as the infection control rules allow it, we can promise you that you will be able to take part in a lot of events at Rokken the last weeks of August as well.

Safe and good

Buddy Week’s starting point is a warm and safe first meeting with Volda as a place to study. To achieve this, they train their buddies well, take infection control seriously and create events that will suit everyone. 
- We are very interested in low-threshold events - everyone who wants should be able to join. The social is paramount, we will get to know each other, new friendships will be formed and you will be taken good care of, Andersson says.

He also want to point out that infection control of course is top priority. 

- It's about being on the safe side. We are rather hitting the brakes a little and take one precaution too much, rather than too little when we plan ahead. Then it’ll be a bonus if we can ease up on the control measures if the national rules allow it. 
For everyone must be safe in what Andersson - and others with him call:- The world's best study area. We wish you a warm welcome, Andersson smiles.

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