NIS102 Norwegian language and civilization for international students II

Course code: 
1 semester
Credits (ECTS): 
Level of study: 
Foundation level (bachelor’s degree level)
Course name in Norwegian Nynorsk: 
Norsk språk og samfunnskunnskap for internasjonale studentar II
Teaching semester: 
2025 Spring
Course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Norsk språk og samfunnskunnskap for internasjonale studenter II
Assessment semester: 
2025 Spring
Language of instruction: 
Required prerequisite courses
NIS101 Norwegian languange and civilization for international students I
Required prerequisite knowledge

The student must have completed NIS101or be able to document knowledge on a similar level.

Course content

Norwegian language and civilization for international students, NIS102, is a full time study for those who want to continue their studies in Norway. 

This course is based on knowledge and skills from NIS101, and teaches Norwegian on a higher level. The course offers further knowledge of:

  • grammar
  • literature,
  • social science
  • culture

This is equivalent to knowledge on level B2 (The European Framework for Languages, CEF.)

The aim is to be able to:

  • express oneself near to the level of the target language in different genres
  • write argumentative texts
  • lead a conversation in Norwegian without difficulties.

The study is demanding and should not be combined with other studies or work.

Learning outcome

In accordance with the national qualification framework the student has reached the following learning outcomes:

Learning outcome knowledge

The students will have:

  • expanded their knowledge of phonetics and grammar
  • expanded and built a varied and functional vocabulary
  • knowledge of composing well-structured texts
  • knowledge of texts in different genres
  • knowledge of dialects, nynorsk, and the history of the Norwegian language

 In social science the student will have knowledge of:

  • central features of Norwegian History
  • politics, democracy, religion and equality
  • the Norwegian welfare system
  • Norway’s international relations
  • family and society
  • multicultural Norway
  • education and working life in Norway
  • Norwegian culture and mentality 
  • climate, nature and geography 

In literature the student will have knowledge of:

  • some Norwegian authors, both contemporary and historical
  • a contemporary novel
  • texts, both fiction and non-fiction in different genres from different periods
  • simple literary theories and analysis
Learning outcome skills

The students knows how to

  • plan and complete varied assignments and projects, both in groups and on their own
  • present central parts of their curriculum, both oral and in writing'
  • present their own point of views and take part in discussions, related to their curriculum
  • use relevant methods of studying in higher education i Norway
  • understand the cultural framework needed to be able to live and study in Norway
  • use the necessary modern information technology tools in their studies   
Learning outcome qualification

The course aims to give students knowledge and skills necessary for studies at Norwegian colleges and universities.

Working and learning activities

During this course, NIS102, emphasis is placed on vocabulary knowledge and on writing.

The teaching comprises about 12-14 periods per week.

Teaching methods will vary between:

  • lectures
  • group work
  • language laboratory exercises
  • homework

The language exercises will comprise:

  • text reading
  • conversation and interviews
  • listening comprehension
  • report writing
  • grammatical exercises
  • essay writing

All is adapted to the content of the teaching and the skill level of the students.


Throughout the course students will have to read Norwegian language texts intensively as well as extensively. Learning strategies are based on activities where communication will be emphasized. During the study the instruction in the classroom will alternate with group work and language lab. 

All skills – to listen, talk, write and read - will be stimulated and elaborated by using different activities and methods.

At regular intervals advisory testing will be carried out.

Assessment requirements

Term Paper

In the second term, students write a term paper on a given topic to be completed within 2 weeks. The students choose a topic within the field that they are going to study further. The students are given help with vocational and practical problems in connection with their term paper work that should comprise at least 2400 words and comply with formal requirements.

The term paper will be evaluated internally and is graded passed/failed.

Attendance is obligatory. Students with more than 20 % absence will not be allowed to sit for the exams. The teaching programme gives instruction in bokmål.

Evaluation system

The course will be evaluated in accordance with the University College’s routines for quality assurance.Successful candidates of both the courses NIS101 and NIS102, Norwegian for International Students, are awarded 60 credits in a combined college or university degree course.

Maximum number of students: 
Person in charge: 
Ingrid Vee Hagestuen
Used in other programs
  • Norwegian Language and Civilization for International Students - Year Course
Assessment FormGroupingDurationGrading scaleProportionCommentSupport MaterialsScope
Written Exam
6 Hours
A-F, A is the best grade and E is the lowest passing grade
Oral examination
20 Minutes
A-F, A is the best grade and E is the lowest passing grade
Approval signature: 
Arne Myklebust