For students and staff at Volda University College.
Support office in Berte Kanutte (BK), ground floor, next to the cafeteria.
Open mon–fri 8am – 3:30pm
Phone: 70 07 54 00

Other important information from the IT office
IT security policy
Policy for informasjonssikkerhet (pdf)
Retningslinjer for bruk av skytjenester (pdf)
If you have questions about this contact IT manager Stig Flåskjer
Sustainable IT at HVO
We in IT want to focus on the environment.
Measures from our side include:
- Waste sorting
- Reuse of equipment, old equipment is given to schools in the local area
- Energy-efficient PCs and monitors
- Notification to suppliers regarding packaging usage
- Power-saving settings on PCs (currently in testing, not yet implemented on all machines)
- Return of used toner cartridges (printing)
- Print quotas, so that an unlimited amount of printing is not possible
- Virtualization, fewer servers lead to less power consumption and less electronic waste
- We are happy to receive any suggestions on improvments that can be done, and we will look into how they can potentially be implemented.
Use of computers and other IT equipment at HVO
As a student at HVO, you have access to a range of IT equipment, such as PCs, printers, networks, etc. This equipment is intended to assist you in both practical and theoretical work during your studies, and we hope you find it useful. We have created a set of guidelines for the use of this equipment and the IT services you have access to here at HVO. These guidelines are primarily designed to simplify the daily life for both you as a student and for us as administrators of the environment. We hope you familiarize yourself with these guidelines and follow them – for our mutual benefit.
HVO bases its IT services for students largely on trust and responsibility, and expects and requires that our students respect these guidelines and handle the equipment with the necessary care.
Student Account, Passwords, etc.
All students at HVO are assigned a username and password that grant access to the network. This username and password are strictly personal, and each student is obligated to protect them so that others cannot gain access. Students who believe that other users have accessed their account or files without permission must immediately report this to the IT service staff.
Use of Computer Rooms
Computer rooms are considered workspaces where concentration is key. These rooms are used for various courses and may sometimes be reserved or given priority for intensive study work. Reservations are posted on or near the doors of the computer rooms. If a computer room is needed for exam purposes, the exam will of course have priority over other uses.
Ethical Guidelines
It is not allowed to use IT equipment to harass others. This includes using offensive or obscene emails or news, tampering with others' files, and logging into other people's equipment. In general, you are responsible for ensuring that your account is used in an appropriate and responsible manner. You can be held accountable if your account has been used for unacceptable activities.
According to Uninett’s ethical guidelines for the use of network resources, it is considered unethical and unacceptable if you:
- Seek unauthorized access to online resources.
- Conceal your identity, except when such concealment is explicitly allowed.
- Violate the network's rules for acceptable use.
- Waste resources (people, communication capacity, computer equipment).
- Destroy content or structure of stored data.
- Violate other users’ privacy rights.
- Offend or harass other users.
If any of these rules are broken, it is the institution’s responsibility to stop such use and prevent future occurrences. If violations persist or are particularly severe, UNINETT may choose to disconnect the institution from the network temporarily or, in the worst case, permanently.
As a student at HVO, you will receive your own email account. Remember to check your email regularly and delete messages as soon as you no longer need them.
HVO does not censor email or news messages except for spam filtering, but reserves the right to limit access to the email and news systems. Your email address will be “,” which can be used to identify both you and HVO. Commercial use of email or news is not allowed.
Note: After completing your studies, access to email and other IT services will be terminated after 3 months.
Food and Drinks
Under no circumstances is it allowed to eat or drink in the computer rooms.
For security reasons, all traffic on the network at HVO will be monitored. This is done to prevent intrusion (hacking) and virus attacks. Further, this monitoring aims to prevent misuse of the systems, such as storing and sharing pornographic material, music, movies, and other unauthorized material, as well as any content that violates Norwegian law. The monitoring does not involve HVO controlling the content of emails or students’ personal folders on the network unless the student or another authorized legal authority approves such control. HVO has the right to suspend student accounts on the network if misuse is suspected, and will strive to investigate the matter as soon as possible so that any reopening of the account can happen quickly. In cases of repeated misuse or if the student refuses to comply with HVO’s requests, HVO will consider permanently suspending the account.
A good rule of thumb to remember is that “not everything that is possible is allowed.” HVO encourages the use of common sense and “normal decency.”
Volda College University’s PCs
There are approximately 330 student PCs distributed across the various buildings on campus. These are located in auditoriums, student labs, group rooms, and specialized rooms. Some of the rooms are also used for teaching and exams and will therefore be unavailable during certain periods, such as BK330. All the labs have printers available. Most of these can also be used from your laptop from here.
Open Labs
Ivar Aasen-house:
Workstations in the Lobby
Berte Kanutte-huset (BK)
The Library
Henrik Kaarstad-house
Hallway 1.Floor
Closed Labs
Ivar Aasen-house
Aasen 112
Berte Kanutte-house (BK)
BK-255 (Language Lab on the 2nd Floor)
Idrettsbygget (The Sports Hall)
Henrik Kaarstad-house
The Arts and Crafts Facilities
Hans Strøm-house
Web Desk
The Editorial Office
The Auditorium
More about printing
All students must download the Kofax app to use the printing/copying system.
To use the printing service, students must download the Kofax Business Connect app.
Students who do not have a smartphone can activate their student card. Read more here.
Activating the app
Download and install the Kofax Business Connect app on your mobile device/tablet.

Open the app and enter "" in the server address field or use this QR code:

Log in with your username and password (FEIDE).
Account top-up and printing from mobile devices
Black/White, A4, single-sided 0.60 NOK/page
Black/White, A4, double-sided 1.00 NOK/page
Black/White, A3, single-sided 1.20 NOK/page
Black/White, A3, double-sided 2.00 NOK/page
Color, A4, single-sided 1.20 NOK/page
Color, A4, double-sided 2.20 NOK/page
Color, A3, single-sided 2.40 NOK/page
Color, A3, double-sided 4.40 NOK/page
All prices are in Norwegian kroner and include VAT. The prices apply to both printing and copying.
Advantages of this system include:
- You print to the printer that suits you best.
- You must be at the printer to start the print job.
- You have the option to cancel the print job.
- Ensures that prints are not sent to the wrong printer.
- Others cannot take your prints.
- No prints will be left behind at the printer.
- Reduced "unnecessary" prints result in less printer traffic.
- You can scan documents and have them sent to you as PDF attachments in an email (Free).
More about email
All staff and students at the university have their own email address. Students have their email in the Office 365 cloud, while staff have theirs on a local Exchange server. There are a few things that might be helpful to know:
Since different mobile phones have different menu options, we won’t go into detail here, but in short:
Staff: Select connection type 'Exchange'. The server name is, and the username is "username"
Students: See her.
If you prefer not to check multiple email accounts, it can be useful to forward all emails to one address. Here's how:
Install Office on your device
As a student at the University of Volda, you get free installation of the Office 365 package on up to 5 devices, including PC and/or Mac. Office 365 cannot be installed on tablets or mobile phones.