Creative learning processes in music

The research group is working on research studies about creative learning processes in music. This topic is relevant to the professional environment associated with the various music studies at Volda University College (VUC), concerning the learning processes of staff, students, and external parties. The research group has a general goal of increasing research activity in the professional environment and a more specific goal of contributing to the field through publishing and communicating within the subject. Research studies will be conducted by academic staff members connected to the music subjects at VUC in collaboration with VUC and with varying degrees of involvement of external researchers.


  • To increase research activity in the professional environment through projects, publications, and communication
  • To contribute to the development of the research field through the provision of specialist seminars, publications, and conference contributions

  • To publish a joint publication on creative learning processes in music


The research group has meetings linked to ongoing projects, and there is a lot of activity in periods around conferences and the like. In 2021, we held a conference on creative musical processes in elderly care, which will be continued in 2024. In 2022, we were heavily involved in publishing an anthology linked to composer Magnar Aam's 70th anniversary (Voice and Silence in Music and Literature). In 2023, two of our members presented at the International Teaching Artist Conference in Oslo. Additionally, we are represented in research networks such as GRS (Grieg Research School) and work within a working group there and through various presentations at conferences, including one in Bergen in the spring of 2023. One of our members also had a research stay in Australia and established new international collaborators. The research group also provides financial support for seminars or conferences relevant to the research group.

Internal members

  • Associate Professor Stein Helge Solstad, Music Department, Faculty of Arts and Physical Education (AKF) (head)
  • Professor Rune Krumsvik, professor II, AKF / University of Bergen
  • Professor Emeritus Magnar Åm, Music Department, AKF
  • Senior lecturer Øystein Salhus, Music Department, AKF
  • Senior lecturer / Ph.D. student Elizabeth Oltedal, Music Department, AKF
  • College lecturer Lars Ove Fossheim, Music Department, AKF
  • Ph.D. candidate Morten Stene, Faculty of Humanities and Education (AHL) 
  • Professor Erik Cyrus Fooladi, AHL
  • Professor Emeritus Geir Hjorthol, AHL

External members

  • Associate Professor Tine Grieg Viig, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences
  • Professor Emeritus Martin Fautley, Birmingham City University


The research group continuously considers the establishment of or engagement with relevant projects, which may involve collaborative projects for parts of or the entire research group, either internally or in collaboration with external partners.

Preliminary plans for 2024:

  • Conference for students, VUC staff, and professionals in health and care in January 2024. Theme: Music in working with individuals with dementia. Collaboration with Kinn municipality.
  • Interdisciplinary research project related to «Kulturmosaikk» (developmental collaboration between cultural schools in Sunnmøre, high schools with Music, Dance, and Drama, and AKF).
  • Planning a new anthology on the theme of Creative Learning Processes in Music in a Teaching Artist context.
  • Presentation at the International Teaching Artist Conference in Auckland, New Zealand.
  • Conference presentations digitally and in person at the Grieg Research School (GRS) in Bergen and Gustav Mahler University in Klagenfurt, Austria.
  • Actively working on internationalization, promoting exchanges between universities and colleges to strengthen the research group's network.