Speak up!

It is Volda University College’s responsibility to ensure that all its students and employees feel safe and secure in their learning and working environment.

Harassment and other improper behavior is not tolerated at Volda University College (VUC) under any circumstance. As a VUC student or employee, it is your duty to notify bullying to the appropriate persons and ensure an inclusive, fair and safe learning environment for all.

Here you can inform us about things you find difficult to address with those closest to you on the programme (lecturer, course convenor, programme coordinator, dean). If you have experienced something that you have already notified us about, and you feel that you have not been heard, you can also let us know here. Contact these people:
•    Eigedom regarding significant deficiencies in the physical environment.
•    Director of Academic Affairs to report errors, deficiencies or unwanted experiences, whether it is about teaching quality, learning environment, bullying, (sexual) harassment or other unwanted incidents. 

At sikresiden, preventive training is given and advice on what to do in a crisis situation.


Notification means notifying BI by providing information about a serious undesirable/objectionable incident or condition, a violation of the law or a violation of our general ethical norms.

Harassment and improper conduct
Harassment and improper conduct come in many different varieties, where bullying and sexual harassment are the most well-known forms. Harassment is usually an action that repeats over time, but serious isolated incidents can also be defined as harassment. This can be manifested directly through words, actions or omissions of actions, but also in more indirect ways.

Improper conduct can be defined in many ways that include actions that are contrary to socially accepted norms or that are illegal and which can cause unfortunate mental and physical stress.

A person is being bullied when he or she is exposed to negative actions from one or more persons repeatedly and over a certain period of time. This definition also covers people who have a hard time defending themselves.

Sexual harassment
Sexual harassment is a collective term for a behaviour that plays on gender, body and sexuality that are experienced as unpleasant, degrading or threatening for the person who is subjected to it.

For example, unwanted sexual attention can be troublesome, scary and devastating, even if the action is not necessarily a violation of the offended person's dignity.