Solstad publisert på Routledge

Tekst: Line Lauvsnes Oddekalv

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Stein Helge Solstad, førsteamanuensis ved Avdeling ved kulturfag, musikkseksjonen, har fått utgitt ein vitskapleg monografi på velkjende Routledge forlag: Expertise in Jazz Guitar Improvisation: A Cognitive Approach.

Monografien er basert på doktorgradsavhandlinga hans som han disputerte på på Musikkhøgskulen i 2015. Solstad er førsteamanuensis ved Avdeling for kulturfag ved HVO. 

Rektor Johann Roppen kommenterer hendinga i nyhendebrevet sitt: "Om du vil kjøpe boka med stive permar har ho stiv pris på Amazon: Den kostar heile 130 britiske pund! Men i elektronisk versjon (Kindle) dett prisen til 9 britiske pund - men då får du berre lese ho i ein avgrensa periode. Som vi ser så vert det av og til sett verkeleg høg pris på forsking!"

Dette skriv Routledge: "Dr. Stein Helge Solstad is an Associate professor at Volda University College in Norway, where he teaches and also leads the research group - Creative Learning Processes in Music. His main research interest is expertise and cognition, mainly related to jazz improvisation. Research stays include working as a visiting scholar at Columbia University in the city of New York (USA) in 2010/11 and as an independent researcher in Brisbane (Australia) in 2018. Working with expertise and jazz improvisation has involved fieldwork with some of the finest jazz guitarists on the scene today, and his book «Strategies in Jazz Guitar Improvisation – A Cognitive Approach»  (Routledge 2020) deals mainly with this subject. He has released two solo CDs with original music and contributes to other musicians' recordings as well. He composes and arranges music for jazz, musical and theatre performances. He has been a co-author of research articles, including fields like digital competence and research education (attached to the Western Norway Graduate School of Educational Research II)". 


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