Gjesteførelesing frå University of Edinburgh

Dr Peter Higgins frå Outdoor Education-kurset ved University of Edinburgh held ei gjestførelesingar om mellom anna natur- og friluftslivsfilosofi og utdanning.<br>Alle er oppmoda om å møte neste veke.

- Dr Peter Higgins er leiar for friluftslivseksjonen ved  School of Education of the University of Edinburgh, og er ein av dei som Høgskulen i Volda. har samarbeid med, fortel førsteamanuensis Gunnar Repp ved Høgskulen i Volda.

Dr. Higgins held føredrag måndag, tysdag, onsdag og torsdag neste veke, og alle er oppmoda om å møte.

Sjå tema og timeplan:

Monday,   24  October
Seminar and meetings.

Tuesday,  25 October       
0915 - 1100   Room   K109
Outdoor education in Scotland and the UK. Philosophy and ideologies. A description of the philosophy and practice and research objectives of outdoor education at Moray House/University of Edinburgh.

1315 – 1500  Room   K204
Training outdoor educators in the UK.  Perspectives on programmes and potentials.  (A presentation and discussion of outdoor education in Scotland and UK, courses, modules, employment, prospects and systems of certification in the outdoors).

Wednesday,  26 October 
0915 – 1100  Room  K110
Risk, reality and the role of outdoor education.  What should programmes focus on and why?

1315 – 1500  Room  K110
Why educate outdoors?  A presentation on the main UK and international justifications for outdoor education.  (Are they supported by evidence?)

Thursday,  27 October
0915 – 1100  Room   K 110
Postgraduate training in Outdoor Education at the University of Edinburgh.
General and specific introduction to outdoor education Academic and practical perspectives.  Possibilities and problems. Visions and realities.

Also an open discussion:  The Norwegian Friluftsliv in a European (or: international) context: a European (international) perspective seen with the eyes of an outdoor educator from Scotland). How we are similar and how we differ.

1315 – 1500  Room   K 110
Outdoor education and the environment – encountering complexity in an interdisiplinary world. 

Open forum for discussion of any relevant issues.

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