Reports from the course convenor / programme leader / head of studies and faculties

Basis reports


Following reports form the basis for the faculty’s quality reports:

External evaluation of programme of study

Strategic Education Committee chooses each year an education programme of at least 60 credits for external evaluation. The Programme leader/head of studies and Dean are responsible for compiling a report to be handed in to the Faculty Council. The Strategic Education Committee shall be briefed about the report.

Evaluation of courses

The course convenor writes a short report for his/her course, and sends it to the programme leader/head of studies for the programme to which the course belongs. Reports of the course can be submitted in the Student Councils at the programme to which the course belongs. The reporting follows the academic year.

Evaluation of the programme of study

The Programme leader/head of studies writes a summary report for his/her programme of study. The report will be sent to the Dean and will be included in the faculty's Quality Report.

Student Council reports

A report must be written from meetings in the Student Council to be published for students and academic employees in Canvas.

Examiner Report

In case of external assessment, the external examiner must prepare a report to be sent to the course convenor. The report from the external examiner must contain a statement about the examiner guidance, an evaluation of the assessment scheme in the course, if possible, and a statement about the exam assignment(s). The report from the external examiner shall provide a review of the exam assignments regarding the learning outcomes of the course.


The programme leader/head of studies analyses the results of the Studiebarometeret for his/her programme of study. Results must be published for the students and in the Student Council at the programme level. The results shall be part of the basis for the reports on the study programme.


The faculty’s quality report

Yearly, each Dean shall prepare a report on the quality of education based on reports from the study programmes. The reporting follows the academic year and after being handled in the Faculty council it shall be sent to the Director of Academic Affairs, within 1 October.

The faculty’s quality reports shall:

• Provide an overall review of the quality of education and education offered by the faculty, and a review of the results and measures in the quality work

• Give a review of quality work based on the five main elements of the quality system

• Identify any problems that the faculty cannot solve

Annual report for education quality

Strategic Education Committee prepares an annual report on the quality of education on the basis of:

• The faculty’s quality report

• A summary of the beginning-of-term survey

• Statistics from the target areas Recruitment, Information and Student Reception, Framework, Programme, Performance and Relevance Quality

• Results from Studiebarometer at VUC

The annual report shall provide an overall evaluation of the quality of education at the institution. The report shall also give a review of the plans and measures in the quality work.

The annual report shall contain proposals for measures of improvement and prioritization of resources for the submitted proposals, and how these measures will be followed up.

The annual report follows the academic year. It will be submitted to the Board of the university college in time for the results of the report to be included in the budget and annual plans for the coming year.