Travel to and from Volda

Traveling to and from Volda is easy. There are several ways to get here, depending on time, budget and your preferred transport method.


Ørsta-Volda Airport (Hovden) is located approximately 5 km from Volda centre. There are various flights to/from Volda each day, from Oslo (Gardermoen airport) and Bergen (Flesland airport) and it usually takes around one hour to fly to Volda. You can check for tickets on Widerøe. Look for youth/student tickets, which are cheaper than regular adult tickets.


You can buy the bus tickets directly at the driver, by cash or card.

From Oslo: Vy Express
From Bergen: Vy Express
From Trondheim: FRAM Ekspress
From Ålesund: FRAM Ekspress


If you plan to drive your car all the way to Volda, please make sure that you have necessary documentation and insurance. Winter tires are compulsory in Norway, from 15th November (or earlier, depending on the weather) until 15th April. We recommend that you check the traffic information and available routes, as well as read more about driving regulations and rules on the website of the Norwegian Public Roads Administration.

Estimate driving time:

  • from Oslo: 8 hours (498 km.)
  • from Bergen: 6 hours (321 km.)