Newspapers and book reviews

The Independent
British daily newspaper, online edition.

The New York Times
American daily newspaper, online edition.

Observer/ The Guardian
British weekly newspaper, online edition.

London Review of Books
British journal and database for literature, politics and community issues. Contains essays, book reviews, etc. The library has no current subscription to the paid version of LRB, however the website does also have a wide selection of articles available free of charge.

New York Review of Books
American journal and database for literature, culture and politics. Contains essays, book reviews, etc. The library has physical copies of the journal but does not currently subscribe to the NYRB online paid version, however the website also provides access to a wide variety of articles free of charge. 

The Times Literary Supplement
British journal and database of book reports, both discretionary and professional literature. The library has physical copies but does not currently subscribe to the TLS paid version, however the website also provides access to a wide variety of articles available free of charge.