Databases and articles
Digital access to all printed and electronic resources in the Volda University College Library.
Academic Search Elite
Interdisciplinary full text database with access to approximately 2000 journals, both scholarly and general.
BrowZine - your personal magazine shelf
BrowZine is a service that gives you easy access to e-journals which the Volda University College subscribes to. User guide on YouTube.
Campbell Systematic Reviews
Systematic reviews of the impact of measures within the fields of education, social welfare and crime prevention.
Database for registration of research activity at Norwegian universities and university colleges.
International database of pedagogical literature. Includes literature on pedagogy and education for most subjects, topics and education levels. Mainly journal articles, but also books, dissertations and conference reports. Over two thirds of the content is full text.
Google Scholar
Search for books, journal articles, reports and other academic publications. Cited reference searching: Contains information about how many times an article have been cited.
Norwegian full text database with journal articles on many subjects. Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift and Nordic Studies in Education (earlier known as Nordisk pedagogik) are available from 2002 to present.
Systematic reviews on effects of child and adolescent mental health and welfare interventions.
JSTOR - Education, JSTOR - Advanced Search
Archive of international scholarly journals in full text on the subject of education.
NIFU - Nordic Institute for Studies in Innovation, Research and Education
The Nordic Institute for Studies in Innovation, Research and Education (NIFU) is an independent social science research institute. They collect, analyze and disseminate national statistics and indicators for research, development and innovation.
NORA - Norwegian Open Research Archives
National search engine for scholarly information in open institutional archives.
References to articles in Norwegian and Nordic journals and annals, 1980-2020.
Nordic Base of Early Childhood Education and Care (NB-ECEC)
Database with an overview of Nordic kindergarten research. A collaborative project between the Norwegian Ministry of Education, the Danish Evaluation Institute and the Swedish National Agency for Education.
NPI - Norwegian Publication Indicator
Provides information about the Norwegian Publication Indicator and is a resource for Scientific panels in connection with their annual task of nominating journals, series and publishers.
Free information retrieval system for psychological resources.
Research Portal Denmark
Discover and explore Danish research
SAGE Premier
Full-text access to approx. 650 scholarly journals in many diverse fields of study including education, criminology, media studies and sociology.
Elsevier's leading platform of peer-reviewed scholarly literature giving access to e-journals within physical sciences and engineering, life sciences, health sciences, social sciences and humanities.
The Survey Bank
Surveybanken (the Survey Bank) contains research data from the social sciences, humanities, and medical and health research. You can search for several thousands of questions/variables across different surveys going back to 1957.
Taylor & Francis
We subscribe to following electronic journal packages:
S & T collection (Science & Technical) 425 titles and SSH collection (Social Science & Humanities) 1165 titles.
Teacher Reference Center
References to articles from peer-reviewed journals in education and teaching.
Web of Science
Provides references to over 10,000 different journals on social sciences, humanities, technology, etc. Also covers conferences. Links to full text if the library has access. Cited reference searching: Contains information about how many times an article have been cited.