Law and websites

Updated laws as well as central and local regulations in full text.
Opplæringslova (The Education Act). Barnehagelova (The Kindergarten Act)
Forskrift om rammeplan for grunnskoleutdanningene for 1.-7. trinn og 5.-10. trinn  (Regulations on the framework plan for comprehensive school education for grades 1-7 and 5-10)

Lovdata Pro
Subscription version of Lovdata. Contains laws, regulations, preparatory work, court orders, statements, resolutions, circulars and legal literature. Also gives access to EEA / EU legal bases and other international legal bases, as a summary in Norwegian by judgments issued by the Human Rights Court.

Ministry of Education and Research

The Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training
The Directorate is responsible for the development of primary and secondary education and is the executive body of the Ministry of Education and Research. Curricula

National special education support system. The website contains news, services, subject areas, publications and information about Statped and Statped's work