
NIS101 Norwegian languange and civilization for international students I

Course code: 
1 semester
Credits (ECTS): 
Level of study: 
Foundation level (bachelor’s degree level)
Course name in Norwegian Nynorsk: 
Norsk språk og samfunnskunnskap for internasjonale studentar I
Teaching semester: 
2024 Autumn
Course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Norsk språk og samfunnskunnskap for internasjonale studenter I
Assessment semester: 
2024 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Norwegian / English
Required prerequisite knowledge

To be accepted for the course, applicants must satisfy the general entrance requirements for Norwegian colleges.

Course content

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Norwegian language and civilization for international students is a full time study for those who want to continue their studies in Norway.  This course is an introduction to Norwegian phonetics, grammar and civilization. The aim is for the student to be able to:

  • write in different genres
  • write simple argumentative texts
  • take part in a conversation without difficulties.

Passed exam at NUS101 is mandatory for continuing to study NIS102 which is Norwegian on a more advanced level and equivalent to trinn 3-level (stage 3) at the universities.

The teaching will mainly be in Norwegian, but in the beginning of the semester also English will be used for instruction.The study is demanding and should not be combined with work or other studies.

Learning outcome

In accordance with the national qualification framework the student has reached the following learning outcomes:

Learning outcome knowledge

The student will possess knowledge about

  • -Norwegian phonetics, grammar and vocabulary, equivalent to B1 (The European Framework for languages, CEF.)-

The student should be informed about Norwegian society and possess knowledge of the following topics

  • family and working life
  • holidays and celebrations
  • climate, nature and geography
  • commercial and industrial life
  • Norwegian culture and mentality
  • the role of a student, strategies for learning and techniques for studying
Learning outcome skills

The student should be able to:

  • read and understand texts of different kinds
  • initiate conversations and express own opinions
  • speak fluently enough to avoid lack of communication
  • take part in both everyday conversations and conversations related to curriculum
  • express him-/herself both orally and in writing, using a broad and functional vocabular
  • use linguistc structures which are correctly enough to avoid problems of communication
  • understand lectures in simple Norwegian- collect information from a variety of texts and genres
  • write coherent texts (by using connecters correctly)
  • write short texts about both daily life matters and curriculum related topics
Learning outcome qualification

The student should be capable of:

  • planning and carrying out simple assignments and projects in Norwegian
  • convey information from curriculum, both orally an in writing-using Norwegian in everyday life and getting orientated in the local community
  • using the relevant learning strategies of Norwegian higher education
Working and learning activities

The main emphasis is on Norwegian language, especially practical language skills.The study concentrates on two subject areas:

  1. Norwegian language 

Norwegian civilization and culture. Teaching in civilization and culture has text reading as its basis, and is to the greatest possible extent coordinated with the teaching in Norwegian language.

  • Teaching methods will vary between:
  • lectures
  • group work
  • language laboratory exercises
  • homework.

The language exercises will comprise:

  • text-reading
  • role play
  • conversation and interview
  • listening comprehension
  • dictation,
  • report writing
  • grammatical exercises
  • essay writing, adapted to the content of the teaching and the skill level of the students.

At regular intervals advisory testing will be carried out.


The teaching programme gives instruction in bokmål.

Assessment requirements

It is obligatory to:

  • to give an oral presentation
  • to hand in written work on given topics, approximately every week

The students collect all their tests and written homework, e.g. short essays, both first and second drafts, in a folder, which is handed in at the end of the semester. The folder will be marked passed /not passed. In case of not passed the student will get a second chance, within a given deadline.

Teaching comprises about 12 periods per week each term. Attendance is obligatory. Students with less than 80 % attendance will not be allowed to sit for the exams.

Evaluation system

The course will be evaluated in accordance with the University College’s routines for quality assurance.

Maximum number of students: 
Person in charge: 
Ingrid Vee Hagestuen
Used in other programs
  • Norwegian Language and Civilization for International Students - Year Course
Assessment FormGroupingDurationGrading scaleProportionCommentSupport MaterialsScope
Written Exam
4 Hours
A-F, A is the best grade and E is the lowest passing grade
Oral examination
15 Minutes
A-F, A is the best grade and E is the lowest passing grade
Approval signature: 
Arne Myklebust