At Volda University College, we use the Norwegian Agency for Public and Financial Management’s (DFØ) digital solution for employment and contracts.
Email with contract offers are sent by Check your junk mail if you have not received an email.
If you have an agreement on an hourly contract, you send time lists and receive a monthly payment.
If you have an agreement on an assignment, the payment will arrive approximately 14 days after the end date of the assignment.
Open the points below for more information.
Signing a contract
Do you have an assignment or hourly contract to sign?
If you have been offered an hourly or assignment contract, the e-mail will be sent by In the e-mail, you will receive a link that you have to open. The link in the e-mail leads to a log-in page. To log in, you have to order a code on SMS by clicking the button “Get password”.
If you do not have BankID and a Norwegian birth number or D-number, you have to answer “No” to the question “Do you have Norwegian Bank ID?”. You can then follow the steps for “I do not have a Norwegian birthnumber or D-number”.
You will then receive further instructions and you can register and check your information, and approve or reject the contract proposal.
How to sign an employment contract (DFØ)
NB: If you already have an assignment or hourly contract, you are already registered in the pay system. If this is the case, your bank account and address will already be filled out. If your information is incorrect, you can sign the contract and afterwards change your information in the DFØ app.
If you use special characters when filling out your information (address, name, comments, etc.) the signing will fail. Therefore, you can’t use special characters, only use A-Å and 0-9.
Submitting your time sheet (for hourly employees)
After signing an hourly contract, you have to submit a digital time sheet – one per month. The time sheets are submitted in the DFØ app. You can find the DFØ app at
Payment of hourly contract (DFØ)
Hourly employee – Register hours (video)
Hourly employee – Returned time sheet (video)
You can also submit your time sheet via the DFØ self-service portal on PC, but we recommend using the DFØ mobile app.
NB: You can only submit one time sheet for each month, so you have to register all hours for the applicable month before submitting.
To make sure you get paid on the 12th of the following month, the time sheet has to be sent by the last working day of the month at the latest.
Time sheets have to be sent before the last day of the hourly contract. When you go past the last day of your contract, and you don’t have another contract, you will lose access to the DFØ app and can no longer register your hours.
Registering travel expense claims (for hourly employees)
If your contract states that travel expenses are reimbursed, you can register travel expense claims in the DFØ app. You can also register a travel expense claim using the DFØ self-service portal on PC.
Registering travel expense claims (assignment contracts)
If your contract states that travel expenses are reimbursed, you can register travel expense claims in Betalmeg.
We recommend using the DFØ app for mobile. You can also use a PC or tablet (DFØ self-service portal).
- If you are using the Betalmeg solution for PC, we recommend opening an incognito/in private window and logging in again. This to make sure that you do not bring with you earlier downloaded information that links you back to your main employer, if you are using SAP there.
- If you already use the DFØ app with another organization, we recommend deleting the DFØ app and downloading it again.
Registering travel expense claims, foreign users
D-number: If your contract states that travel expenses are reimbursed and you have a Norwegian birth number or D-number, you can register your travel expense claims in Betalmeg. Remember to include all necessary documentation for expenses, and add these as attachments to your expense claim.
Link to Betalmeg: Travel expense claim, expense reimbursement and remuneration for recipients of fees | DFØ (
No D-number: If your contract states that travel expenses are reimbursed, you need to fill out a form that you will receive from your contact person at the department where you have carried out your assignment. Return the completed expense claim with attachments for expenses, to that same contact person.