Internationalisation strategy

Volda University College regards internationalisation of education and research as one of our key strategic pillars and specify our strategic goals in an Action Plan for Internationalisation. 

The most recent Action plan for internationalisation focuses on the qualitative aspect of our internationalization efforts and on increasing the knowledge and competencies regarding international cooperation in our institution. Furthermore, we aim to focus our international partnerships and prioritise on key areas.

  • Action plan for internationalisation 2022-2025 (awaiting translation, see Norwegian version)


Older strategy documents

VUC's overall Strategic Plan (only in Norwegian) refers to the importance of increased international cooperation in both education and research and mention the importance of quality assurance in international partnerships. Among the concrete actions to be taken in the period 2017-2020 we find:

  • To be a leading university college in terms of student exchange and mobility
  • To utilize the Erasmus+ programme to increase international activity at VUC
  • To increase the number of applications for research or educational cooperation sent to local, regional, national and international funding schemes