Databases and articles

Digital access to all physical and electronic resources in the Volda University College library.

The Complete Works of William Shakespeare
Full text of Shakespeare’s plays.

Ebook Central
Approximately 140,000 e-books from ProQuest covering many subjects including economics, social sciences and humanities. Also searchable via Oria.

Google Scholar
Search for books, journal articles, reports and other academic publications.

JSTOR - Language and Literature
Archive of international scholarly journals in full text, mainly covering subjects within humanities and social sciences. The database does not usually have access to the latest 3-5 years of a journal.

Poetry Foundation
Poetry database.

Project Gutenberg
International book database.

SpringerLink: Books
We subscribe to a selection of packages: Mathematics and Statistics, Behavioral Science and Psychology, Education, History, Literature, Media and Culture, Political Science and International Studies, Religion and Philosophy, Social Sciences. 

Web of Science
Provides references to over 10,000 different journals on social sciences, humanities, technology, etc. Also covers conferences. Contains information about how many times an article have been cited. Links to full text if the library has access.