National Norwegian search service of institutional archive catalogues.

David Rumsey Map Collection
Contains more than 150.000 maps. The collection focuses on rare 16th through 21st century maps of North and South America, as well as maps of the World, Asia, Africa, Europe, and Oceania. 

Digitalarkivet (Digital archives)
Digitised searchable resources such as censuses, church records and emigrant protocols.

HIFO - Den norske historiske forening (The Norwegian Historical Association)
HIFO works to promote Norwegian historical research and to strengthen the history subjects in higher education and the school system.

Histreg (Historical population register)
Provides an overview of the population in Norway from 1800 to the present day.

Historisk statistikk (Historical statistics)
From Statistisk Sentralbyrå (Statistics Norway). Historical statistics including historical publications in pdf format, tables with time series that go back in time, by topic, historical statistical analysis articles and Norwegian censuses

Internet Archive
Historical overview of websites that can be useful in retrieving pages that no longer exist, older versions of pages after updates, and other types of media such as books, music, and videos.
Constructed under the direction of the Norsk lokalhistorisk institutt (Norwegian Local History Institute). Has the objective of spreading knowledge and documentation about various aspects of local history, giving access to local historical sources and providing guidance to local historical writers and principals. 
Website for local history encyclopaedic articles and source archive run by the Norsk lokalhistorisk institutt (Norwegian Local History Institute). Articles are written by volunteers with interest and expertise in the relevant subjects.
Experience, knowledge and memories from all over Norway

Nasjonalbibliotekets fotoarkiv (Norwegian National Library Photo Archive)
Digital versions of photography produced in the period 1880-1970, with comments.

Reviews in History
Covering books and digital resources across all fields of history.

Skeivt arkiv
The National Norwegian Archive for Queer History.

Universitetsmuseenes arkeologiske samlinger på nett
Archaeological artefact database with map search, subject search and a selection of extras.