TV, videos and film


NRK Nett-TV has a wide selections of programs available for streaming, including documentaries.

A growing number of professional and amateur videos are available through sites like  YouTubeGoogle videos og Vimeo.


The library has a collection of DVDs and Blu-rays. Loan period: 1 week.
Documentaries | Animation | Movies

Database for streaming films from the Norwegian Film Institute. Contains short films and documentaries that are copyright-cleared for classroom teaching and private use. You need a national library card to use the service.

A service that makes it easy for you to borrow and watch movies from home. You need a national library card. In addition, your public library must have an agreement with Filmoteket. Volda public library and Hornindal library have an agreement. List of other libraries that have an agreement.

The Internet Movie Database.

Norwegian filmography
The National Library's film database. Contains information about all Norwegian feature films.