Law and websites

Barne-, ungdoms- og familiedirektoratet (The Norwegian Directorate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs)

Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet (Ministry of Health and Care Services)

Helsedirektoratet (The Norwegian Directorate of Health)

Lovdata (Norwegian legislation)
Updated laws as well as central and local regulations in full text.

Lovdata Pro
Subscription version of Lovdata. Includes laws, regulations, preparatory work, court orders, statements, resolutions, circulars and legal literature. Also provides access to EEA/EU legal sources and other international legal sources, as well as summaries (in Norwegian) of judgments issued by the Human Rights Court.

Norwegian law database including resources on laws, regulations, court orders, preparatory work, international law, professional literature, etc.
Feide-login on and outside campus for students and employees.