Costs and financial aid

As an exchange/study abroad student from Volda University College you may receive financial support through some scholarship schemes.

If you are eligible to receive loan and scholarship from the State Educational Loan Fund, Norway (Lånekassen) you may receive the same support from them as a student in Norway. Additionally you may potentially receive extra grant from Erasmus+ or Nordplus. 

Read more about the different support schemes below.


State Educational Loan Fund, Norway

Our exchange/study abroad agreements are approved by the State Educational Loan Fund, Norway (Lånekassen). If you meet the requirements to receive financial support from Lånekassen, you may receive both a regular grant and an extra grant to cover any tuition fees related to your semester abroad.

Even if you do not have to pay tuition fees on exchange, you can still receive the regular grant (loan and scholarship) from Lånekassen, given that you are eligible for support from Lånekassen.

Exchange students to Brazil, China, India, Japan, South Africa and South Korea will receive an additional grant from Lånekassen of 4277 NOK per month (for up to 10 months), given that you are eligible for support form Lånekassen.

This also applies to a scholarship to complete a language course ahead of your study if you are following a non-English speaking course while studying abroad.


Erasmus+ is EU's programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. This programme allows students to exchange to other European universities without paying tuition fees.

Additionally students on Erasmus+ exchange will be granted an Erasmus+ scholarship from Volda University College.

Check out our Erasmus+ page to learn more about the programme and rates for Erasmus+ grant.

You can also read more about your rights and duties as an Erasmus+ scholarship recipient in the Erasmus+ Student Charter.


    Nordplus is a Nordic cooperation for higher education. Volda University College participates in 3 Nordplus networks, and students who exchange to universities within these networks may apply a Nordplus scholarship. This grant comes on top of the grant from Lånekassen, if you are eligible to receive support from Lånekassen. In recent years, many Nordplus-networks have decided to focus on express mobility (5-30 days) and not support semester-long exchanges.

    VUC are participating in these three Nordplus networks:

    • Nordplus Network for Media and Communication (Contact person at VUC = Laila Walseth Lid, AMF)
    • Nordic network for journalism studies (Contact person at VUC = Hans Martin Dypvik, AMF)
    • Nordplus network for teacher education (Contact person at VUC = Kari Leikanger Buset, AHL)

    Contact the International office at VUC for more information about the Nordplus scholarship.

    Other support schemes

    There could also be many other scholarship schemes for study abroad students, some perhaps limited to your background or where you wish to study abroad.

    Students are themselves responsible to find such schmes on their own. A good tip is to visit ANSA's webpage for information about studies abroad.

    Additionally some of our partner universities, especially in the US, might provide you "scholarships" in terms of reduced tution fees. This is, however, considered as a price reduction and not a higher grant.