Green exchange

If there is a flight in your life that can be defended, it must be the trip you took to go on exchange. Even so, we need to consider the environmental impact also for travel that is highly valuable. VUC does not want to contribute to flight shame, but rather offer tips and advice on how to reduce the climate footprint for your travel.


Exchange to nearby countries

It is not necessary to travel far to benefit from the differences in academic culture and get new impulses. A short-distance exchange can therefore be one way of reducing the environmental footprint. Travelling to our neighboring countries Sweden and Denmark is quite convenient by bus and train. Should you still choose to fly, a flight to Stockholm will have approximately 20 times lower carbon footprint than a flight to Australia.


See Europe by bus/train

We cannot honestly claim that it is quick and easy to travel by bus/train throughout Europe. This would depend on how many countries you have to travel through and how far it is to the final destination. But bus and train travel in Europe has a much lower carbon footprint than air travel, so if you want to cut emissions on your travel, you should check out the possibility. Traveling by train/bus also gives a completely different experience of the country you are traveling in and makes the journey an experience in itself.


Green Travel Grant with Erasmus+

Students who exchange through the Erasmus+ program can receive an extra grant if they use environmentally friendly transport for the majority of their travel (train, bus, etc.). Note that this extra grant is only offered to students who exchange through the Erasmus+ programme. Contact the International Office to see how much this extra grant could be in your case.


Inspiration and further information

Get inspiration and further information on how to exchange in an environmentally friendly way: 

  • Green Erasmus - a website with useful tips and opportunities for calculating your own carbon footprint
  • Erasmus by train -  a student movement that lobbies for easier train travel in Europe and gives tips to students
  • Klimasmart semester - get tips for planning an environmentally friendly trip on holiday or exchange