Internships abroad

Many BA and MA programmes at VUC offers the possibility of having an internship abroad.

It is the internship coordinator at the department who is responsible for helping students find an internship. Contact the International Office for information about the possibilities of grants through Erasmus+. 

Erasmus+ internships in Europe

The Erasmus+ programme provides grants for VUC students on internships of minimum 2 months duration in a European business/organisation. The Erasmus+ grant will be given on top of other funding (e.g. from Lånekassen) and the grant sums for 2023/24 are 620 or 680 Euro per month depending on whether the internship takes place in a low- or high-cost country. Erasmus+ internship is also possible up to 12 months after graduating from a degree programme at VUC.

Praksisemne - IPA 203/206 Internship with project report

The course "IPA203/206 Internaship with project report" is offered in the spring semester at the Department of Planning and Administration. The course is taught in English and enables students to do an internship also outside of Norway. If students do the internship abroad (outside of Norway) they may get funding from the Erasmus+ programme (see above). This also relates to international students in Volda  (they can only get an Erasmus+ grant from VUC for an internship outside of Norway). 

IPA203 is the 15 ECTS version of the course, allowing for an internship period of app. 2 months and requiring an internship report of 4000 words. IPA206 is the 30 ECTS version of the same course, in which the internship lasts 3 months and the internship report is of at least 8000 words.

The course is available to all students at VUC, as well as, incoming exchange students.

Internship/Placement abroad for BA in Social Work (Sosionom/Barnevern)

Students in the BA in Social Work may apply for an internship abroad in the 5th semester of their studies. The BA programme has agreements for placements with social work organizations in Tanzania, India, Greece and Ireland. 

Students will receive more information about placement opportunities abroad from the internship coordinators in the BA programme.

Placement abroad for Teacher Training Students (GLU/MAGLU)

Students in the 5 year Teacher Training Master (MAGLU) can apply for a placement period abroad in VUCs partner school in Spain and possibly also other countries/regions. 

Students will receive more information about placement opportunities abroad from the head of studies and/or placement coordinator in the MAGLU-programme.

Read more about GLU-students on placements in Spain here (in Norwegian).

Internships abroad for BA in Animation

Students in the BA in Animation may choose Erasmus+ internship after completing the BA degree (post graduation). This is an opportunity to get professional experience and to establish networks in the European animation industry.

The Erasmus+ grant for internship can be awarded for 2-12 months and the placement must be in a European business/organisation. Interested students should ask the teaching staff at the Animation Department for advice on possible studios or businesses abroad that would be suitable for an internship.

The Erasmus+ grant for internships abroad is 620 or 680 Euro per month depending on whether the placement takes place in a low- or high-cost country. Students are entitled to 12 months of Erasmus+ grants per study cycle. Students who have already received an Erasmus+ grant for 5 months of student exchange, will only be entitled to grants for 7 months for an internship after graduation. 

Contact the International Office for more information on internships after graduation.

Internships abroad for BA in Media production/Media Design

Students in the BA in Media Production/Media Design who choose the option of a 30 ECTS Bachelor's thesis with internship, may choose to do this internship abroad. Normally this internship period would cover the months of February/March.

Interested students should ask the teaching staff at the department for advice on possible organisations/businesses abroad that would be suitable for an internship.

Contact the International Office for more information on internships with support from Erasmus+ or InternAbroad.

Internships for BA in PR/Communication

Students in the BA in PR/Communication may choose to do an internship abroad in the 6th semester. Normally this internship period would cover the months of February/March. 

Interested students should ask the teaching staff at the department for advice on possible organisations/businesses abroad that would be suitable for an internship. 

Contact the International Office for more information on internships with support from Erasmus+ or InternAbroad.

Read more about the PR-student Kristine who did an internship in London.(only in Norwegian).

Internship for MA in Media Practices

Students in the MA in Media Practices may choose to do an internship abroad in the 2. semester of the programme. Interested students should ask the teaching staff at the MA programme for advice on possible organisations/businesses abroad that would be suitable for an internship.

Contact the International Office for more information on internships with support from Erasmus+.