How to write a properiate application

The application procedure is simplified and case handlers may process applications more swiftly when they are presented well. This can speed up the application processing and improve your chances of getting approved. Here are some suggestions for those of you planning to create an effective application.

Prior to writing the application

Finding out what you are applying for, why you are applying, what you hope will come of the application, and what your arguments are should be your first priorities. When writing an application, it is essential to know what you are applying for.

Create a list of keywords that will serve as a roadmap for your writing process. Investigate the area you are applying for first.

You must always make it clear to the case handler what result you are looking for when you submit an application. Therefore, it's essential that you know this before writing the application. The application can thus be structured more easily so that you can offer the reasons for the desired outcome.

The most key component to have clear are the arguments for your perspective. A poor application is one that contains no arguments. Therefore, before beginning the actual application, you should be aware of the essential points.

Title and introduction

The title of the application should be "Application for ..." with provement of the desicion that you apply to get.


Application for special accomodations during exams.

The introduction should be one paragraph long and explain the application to the case handler. This means that the applicant's name, the position for which they are applying, and their primary reason should all be stated. You are encouraged to look up the basis for your application's approval if you are aware of where in the law or regulation it is located. This makes it much simpler for the individual receiving the application to comprehend the nature of the situation.


I, John Doe, would like to request special accommodations during the test. I need to take a break every two hours because I need to take strong painkillers after surgery. I therefore ask for a time extension.

It will be simpler for case handlers to fully understand your application if you are more specific in your introduction. The introduction does not, however, have to include all of your justifications for the application. It is sufficient if you list the actual circumstances supporting the application. We can tell that John Doe is requesting special accommodations during exams from the aforementioned scenario. John has outlined his reasons for applying as well as what he hopes to gain through facilitating. If John includes a medical certificate with his application, he might not need to write any further. More about attachments below.

Being sure of exactly what to apply for is not always simple. A student with a chronic illness who frequently enters and exits hospitals may require additional accommodations while studying. In that instance, students can submit a general accomodation application.


Due to my chronic disease, A, I, John Doe, will need to visit the hospital rather frequently while I am pursuing my education. I am consequently requesting comprehensive study accommodations.

These requests do not automatically entitle you to any certain type of special study accommodation. When you anticipate circumstances arising later as a result of a condition you are currently aware of, it is still advantageous to take general action. You've first met the application deadline specified in the study requirements. Second, you have obliged the institution to look at how they might enhance fair treatment by informing them. Additionally, you have offered the institution a chance to assist you if it transpires that your disease makes it impossible for you to finish the programme you are enrolled in. In fact, nobody can do everything, so it's better to know something now rather than later.

Describe your needs

It is important to be as specific as possible when describing the needs supporting your application. Undocumented and personal factors such as I'm nervous at exams or I'm tired on exams so early in the morning is not viable arguments. Thus, they can ommit. On the other hand, if your doctor has certified that you have sleep issues and must preferably sleep until 10:00 p.m. or if you are so anxious that your psychologist believes it will be difficult for you to do well on the exam, then of course you should mention this in your application.

Simple advices

Avoid writing a lengthy application if you can avoid it. One or two pages have held some of the best applications. Making it obvious why the application should be approved is crucial. Usually, this can be achieved by making the wording shorter.

Repeat the application writing process. You begin writing a first draught after listing the keywords. Look for anything you can apply as you read the manuscript. Reread it, and consider how the reader of the application might interpret it. Make adjustments as you go.

Mind attachments! If you mention having a doctor's certificate, the certificate needs to be submitted with the application.