Research Group for Literature


This inter-disciplinary group is a forum for literary studies and text reading in different fields. We work with textual interpretation and contextual analyses, as well as theoretical and methodological issues. Group members receive guidance and response to ongoing work and get inspiration for future projects. In addition, group members keep each other informed about current research collaborations, project announcements, and useful networks. We apply for internal and/or external funding to establish more formalized collaborative projects. In addition, it is always an aim to include master students and PhD candidates in the research group.



At our group meetings, one or two members (or guests) present ongoing research- and development work, for example the draft for an article, idea for a book, application for research funding or upcoming public and academic talks. This is never finished work, but work-in-progress to be discussed with peers to get useful feedback.


Projects involving group members

DARIAH-EU Women Writers in History: Professor Marie Nedregotten Sørbø is a board member. She works closely with seven colleagues from across Europe to ensure the future developments and sustainability of our joint research data collected in NEWW Women Writers, and to initiate further efforts. This working group brings together about 90 researchers and is the starting point for new projects and collaborations.

HERA Travelling Texts 1790-1914: The Transnational Reception of Women's Writing at the Fringes of Europe: Professor Marie Nedregotten Sørbø was the Norwegian Principal Investigator of this project, which ran from 2013-16. Elise Fugledal and Hege Lende Sørbråten worked as research assistants. The team behind HERA Travelling Texts 1790-1914 is now in the post-project phase where articles and books are being written and published.

Research group leadership

Marie Nedregotten Sørbø (leader)
Brage Herlofsen (assistant leader)


Bente Afset
Farzad Boobani
Åsa Sundnes Bruheim
Elise Fugledal
Yasemin Hacioglu
Irene Hareide
Sondre Kvamme
Kjetil Myskja
Hege Lende Sørbråten
Hilde Thomassen
Anemari Neple
Siri Vågene

Associate member: 
Marit Brekke

In addition, a number of master students every year.