Early literacy in kindergarten and school

About the research group

Based on the subjects Norwegian, pedagogy, drama and food culture and health, this research group focuses on how literacy is worked with in kindergartens and the first years of school, and how children explore language and text in and outside the institutions. Early literacy deals with the work that is done in the period from birth to eight years and involves processes in which children acquire both an impressive and expressive vocabulary. It also involves knowledge and skills that are the basis for children to succeed, in learning to read and write. In our research projects, both the perspectives of the teachers, kindergarten children and pupils are studied.

Everyone in the research group has teaching responsibility in the teacher education. The research group is thus concerned with how to strengthen work with early literacy both towards students and towards the field of practice.


Digital picture books in a written language perspective. How digital picture books can support 3–4-year olds' literacy skills. (PhD 2021–2026 in the project SPrELL, Norwegian Research Council) - Anne Marta V. Vadstein.

Sami perspective in kindergarten (2022- 2023) - Kari Ryslett and Liv Ingrid Aske Håberg

Drama in kindergarten (2022- 2023) - Hege Holmqvist Synnes and Liv Ingrid Aske Håberg

Texts and writing in the everyday life of the five-year-olds (2018-2020) - Gudrun Kløve Juuhl

From book to more play (2019-2021) - Hege Holmqvist Synnes and Liv Kristin Bjørlykke Øvereng

Literacy practices in beginner education: A study of teaching quality with and without tablets (PhD 2019-2024 in the project DigiHand (Norwegian Research Council) - Liv Kristin Bjørlykke Øvereng

Ideal and practice in the kindergarten's everyday life (2020-2022) - Kari Ryslett and Liv Ingrid Aske Håberg


Liv Ingrid Aske Håberg (leader), Associate Professor, Volda University College (VUC)
Gudrun Kløve Juuhl (leader), Associate Professor, VUC
Monica Gjelsten, Assistant Professor, VUC
Kari Ryslett, Associate Professor, VUC
Ingrid Løvik Saure, Assistant Professor, VUC
Hege Holmqvist Synnes, Assistant Professor, VUC
Anne Marta Vinsrygg Vadstein, PhD Candidate, VUC
Liv Kristin Bjørlykke Øvereng, PhD Candidate, VUC
Hildegunn Hovde, Assistant Professor, VUC
Øystein Salhus, Assistant Professor, VUC
Anniken Eidsvik, assistant, VUC
Beate Farstad, Assistant Professor, VUC
Berit Huse, Assistant Professor, VUC
Eivor Finset Spilling, Associate Professor, VUC