Adaptation of exams

(Approved by the Director of Volda University College 31.03.2023)

Students with disabilities or other individual needs, may apply for special examination arrangements/adapted exams. Note that applications must be submitted by 1st October for the autumn term and 15th February for spring term. 

Who may be entitled to adapted exams?

Students with disabilities and students with individual needs may apply for individual adaptations of their exams. The adapted exams should compensate for the difficulties that form the basis for the application. 

Disabilities and individual needs may be both physical and psychosocial challenges. They may be temporary, but their impact must be significant. 

How can your exams be adapted?

All applications are evaluated individually, and there is no full list of possible adaptations. Adaptations of exams are based on the documentation submitted with the application. 

Some possible adaptations may be: 

  • Extended time for exams
  • Separate room with fewer students 
  • Use of technical aids 
  • Help writing, sign language interpreter, or other practical help 
  • The exam question read out loud during written exams 
  • Students who breastfeed may apply for extended time for exams 
  • Students for whom Norwegian is not their native language, may apply to use a bilingual dictionary 

Application process

You can submit an application for adapted exams as a paper copy in Student Services, or digitally here. Applications and any attachments must be submitted by 1st October for the autumn term and 15th February for the spring term. 

The need for adaptation must be documented by for example a doctor’s note or a note from an expert such as a therapist or a clinician. The documentation must include what kind of and why the student needs an adapted exam. 

If the need for adaptation arises after the deadline, this must be clear in the accompanying documentation.

Right to appeal

The result of your application is an individual decision and follows the general rules of administrative procedure. That includes the right to appeal the decision. You must appeal within three weeks of receiving the decision, and appeals should be directed to the Division of Student and Academic Affairs at Volda University College. Include what decision you are appealing, what you want changed and the reasons for the appeal.