Children, childhood, and everyday life

About the research group

The research group is a collaboration between the University of Volda and the University of Molde.

The overall aim of the group is to study the conditions for children and youths’ participation, development, learning, and welfare based on their everyday lives, and the social practices and institutions in which they participate.

The group is interdisciplinary, consisting of researchers with background in sociology, history, psychology, health and social sciences, and pedagogy. The group study childhood sociological, psychological, and sociocultural perspectives.

The group aims to contribute to a critical discussion about how children and childhood are understood, constructed, and reconstructed, in practice, politics, research and society institutions, and the importance of this in inclusion and exclusion processes. 


From Volda University College:
Bente Hasle, (Leader)
Eli-Karin Sjåstad Åsebø
Ingeborg Skogen
Ane Bergset Mandal
Betina Haug Olson
Ellen M. Andenes
Ellen Aarseth
Egil Arne Standal
Øyvind Økland
Kari Elisabeth Bachmann
Malene Øvrelid

From Molde University College:
Oskar Solenes
Helene Hoemsnes
Ingrid Johnsen Hogstad (Leader at MUC)
Tonje Hungnes
Emmy Elizabeth Langøy
Ingunn Pernille Mundal
Solveig Straume
Hildegunn Sundal
Trine Tafjord
Guro Fiskergård Werner


Partner in Life and how to live it, a project which aims to develop and implement preventive measures in kindergartens and schools as training for public health and life skills for children and young people.