Student organisations
The 4000 students make a clear mark on the small town of Volda (app. 8000 innhabitants). Short distances between the campus, student housing, student societies and clubs, and the surrounding nature, mean that you get the most out of your day here.
Volda University College has many clubs and organisations ran by students, for students. On this page you find a short description of the student organisations. Is your organisation missing from the list? Send an email to STIV (The Student Parliament), with a short description of your organisation!
The offer spans from clubs focusing on sports activities, on impresive nature experiences, concerts, student cafe and festivals, to organisations with a focus on various student media, where you can try your skills as a journalist or photographer, without neccesarily being a media student. Volda has something for everyone's taste. Most of the student clubs and organisations are ran on a volunteer basis and depend on everyone's involvement!
List of organisations and clubs
Amnesty Volda studentgruppe
Amnesty International is a world-wide organization that works for human rights. For many years, the organization has helped prevent torture, stop executions and endanger protection for activists. We at Volda Amnesty student team are a bunch of activists who wish to contribute to this work, for example having petition campaigns at the University College.
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FO- Studentane
Are you studying child welfare or social worker? Join the FO students, the joint organization for child welfare educators, social workers, welfare guards and social workers. As a member you get home insurance, the member magazine Fontene, secure help with problems in the workplace no matter where you work and free job search course in third class.
If you would like to influence your work situation as a student, learn more about organizational work, attend exciting courses and conferences, we need YOU in our local team here in Volda. We are a nice group from various classes who are interested in getting to know you.
LO-studentene er ein studentorganisasjon for alle uansett studieretning. Som studentmedlem i LO får du tilgang til fordelene som fordelsprogrammet vårt LOfavør gir, som Noregs beste innboforsikring. I tillegg har vi eigne stipendordningar og kan gi deg hjelp i deltidsjobben om det skulle oppstå konflikt.
Blir du med i styret vårt, får du moglegheita til å arrangere forskjellige arrangement for studentar.
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Natura is the student organization for those who like to be out in the open air. We arrange tours and activities in the beautiful nature at Sunnmøre. Our goal is to reach anyone who is interested in outdoor life, regardless of whether you are a used mountain goat, or have no experience at all. Our program includes everything from airy hikes, surfing, skiing and steep climbing to campfires with bonfires and stormy nights off the coast. We also organize a number of social activities, including the traditional Christmas parties and the 17th May celebrations at Standalhytta.
Hope to see you on tour with us!
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Heimeside // Facebook
Naturvernstudentane i Volda
Vi er eit studentlag i Natur og Ungdom, som er den største miljøvernorganisasjonen for ungdom i Noreg. Vi jobbar med lokale og nasjonale miljøsaker, og du kan vere med og bestemme kva vi skal fokusere mest på. Vi vil arrangere ulike turar og aksjonar gjennom året, og det blir også ei rekkje nasjonale arrangement ein kan delta på. Dette blir eit bra år!
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Norsk journalistlag i Volda
The Norwegian Journalists Act (NJ) is the Norwegian journalists' trade union. NJ Volda is the student club for all Volda students with intentions to become journalists. We arrange press pubs with well-known and interesting lecturers, debates and the pressprize called "Presseprisen". We also invite to journalist seminars with journalists from all over Møre og Romsdal. A membership provides cheaper or free entry to events, guidance and legal assistance as a student and when you go to work, the member journal Journalist in the post and affordable student insurance. And you can write the quota of on the tax! You can also get involved in the board! The board consists of nine positions that everyone volunteers to carry out NJ Volda's work.
Norsk kommunikasjonsforening Volda
The Norwegian Communications Association is a professional community for you who work or educate you within the subject of communication. The association gathers over 4000 communicators from all over Norway in the private and public sector. At the Communications Association's student team in Volda you will get updated news stories about communication-related topics, seminars, lectures and other relevant things.
Pangaia is the meeting point for international and Norwegian students at Volda University College. Here you can get to know new students from all over the world, relax with a free cup of coffee or tea, sign up for various activities, and look for any kind of help you need. There is an International Club which arranges club nights and parties, giving students from the various countries a chance to present their homeland and culture both to Norwegians and fellow exchange students. Join us!
Pedagogstudentane (PS)
The educational students in the Education Association are a professional interest organization for students affiliated with the teaching profession. This includes kindergarten teacher -, elementary school teacher, associate professor, vocational teacher, subject teacher - and practical education education, as well as studies at university and college with intentions to work in the education system.
We are politically independent and work to ensure that your education is better and that your rights as a student are well taken care of. The educational students have local associations with most educational institutions, and have more than 15,000 members.
The magazine Peikestokken is said to be Norway's finest student newspaper, and not without reason. With most of the courses at Volda University College represented in the editorial staff, the quality is high at all levels. In 2012, the newspaper went through a major design change and today Peikestokken consists of good journalistic texts accompanied with great pictures in a lovely layout. Everything is printed on a glossy paper that gives the newspaper that little extra.
The student newspaper comes out three times each semester and deals with what is happening at the college and in the student environment. Peikestokken works according to the "Vær varsom- plakaten" rules for good press practice and is a journalistic independent editorial. You do not need to have journalistic experience from before to join Peikestokken.
RE:ACT Volda
Engaged? Are you keen on making the world a better place for more people? Do you want to help us get a fair and sustainable world free from poverty?
RE: ACT is the Strømme Foundation's youth organization. We wish to connect and reduce the distance between people across cultures and borders, and social and economic conditions. In Volda we arrange, among other things, homework help for the youngsters at the reception center, knitting club for the ladies, activities for refugees, exchange market, attitude-creating work on Fairtrade / North-South / Consumption, etc.
Student-KRIK Volda
Student-KRIK Volda is a local team for KRIK, or Christian Sport contact. We at Student-KRIK Volda have trainings left Friday at the Sports Building at 19.30 to 21.30. These trainings contain fun warming activities, and some different team games, and a break with a devotion. Every other week we also have a living room in cooperation with VOKS. That is, some students open their room, so we spend supper. Every year we also arrange tours, such as skiing to Strandafjellet and surfing to Stad.
Student-KRIK Volda aims to combine sports fun, joy of life and faithfulness so that students in Volda can have a safe and fun place to get to know or come closer to God. Student-KRIK Volda is an open student team, where absolutely everyone is heartily welcome if they are already familiar with God, are just curious or just want a workout.
Welcome, please, hope we see!
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Studentmållaget i Volda
Studentmållaget in Volda is a student team in Noregs Målungdom
Studentsamfunnet i Volda (Rokken)
The student community in Volda was founded in 1978 and today it has the overall responsibility for obtaining volunteers for the Student House Rokken. The student community collaborates closely with the management team at Rokken and operates the house in the evening. Rokken and the Student Society need new volunteers who can stand in the bar, work as a technical or crew, be guard or part of the PR group.
VOKS stands for Volda Kristelege Studentlag, which goes under the international organization Laget. In practice, the student team is a meeting point for students seeking a Christian meeting place in Volda. VOKS wants to be visible in the student environment and be an arena for sharing life, faith and doubt. VOKS wants to be a good community where everyone can feel that they are welcome. The setting is varied and it is mostly something that happens on Thursday. Every other Thursday we arrange various social activities, while the other Thursdays we have meetings that involve both input and social community. The student team is characterized by students who are moving in and out, something that makes Volda Christian student student dynamic and varied. VOKS is for the students, and it is the students who make up VOKS.
Volda Student Gaming
Velkomen til studentorganisasjonen for alle oss gaming-interesserte! Det er ope for alle, uavhengig av om det er competetivt eller casual du føretrekk!
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Volda studentidrettslag (VSI)
Volda Student Sports Teams can offer activities such as football, handball, volleyball, and floorball. VSI has trainings from Monday to Friday each week and is a great opportunity to be social and get to know other students. Membership costs NOK 300 per semester.
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Volda studentradio
Have you ever annoyed you about what is being broadcasted on the radio? Sitted in the car and searched channel by channel after some thrill to listen to? Do you often hear that you are talking holes in people's heads? In Volda Student Radio we make radio YOU want to hear. Become the presenter of your new favorite program. Learn radio technology. Entertain the world with your own thoughts, feelings and ideas. The student radio is your playground! Fun, up-to-date, educational, refreshing, liberating? Does not matter! Bring your radio voice to one of our meetings, or send an email to Join the fun!
Volda student-TV
Student TV in Volda was officially founded on November 18, 2008. Behind the initiative was one dream; a dream of producing television. Occasionally students, located in the beautiful village in the shelter of the Rotsethornet. We succeeded on April 1, 2009, when we had a premium shipment. The site is the organization's eminent television channel, with broadcasts at uneven times and great pleasure. There one can, among other things, experience current reportas from what is happening in Volda, TV series with a touch and resilient concept, short films, music videos and other pop and fun.
We call ourselves Norway's largest Nynorsk student TV, and we are. Everything on the website is obviously writing in Nynorsk. Ivar Aasen would have been proud. The productions you see here are made by the students and for the students in Volda, but everyone else is of course welcome to watch our clips.
New members are particularly well received. We need dedicated students for graphics and music, acting and screenplay, Nynorsk spelling and general mood spreading. We are located at Pavilion C, located behind the Strøm and Aasen building. There we have our two offices, the equipment, and a large common room where all our meetings are held.
Other leisure activities you can participate in as a student
Høgskulekoret /College choir
Er du glad i å syngje, kan du vere med i Høgskulekoret. Framføringar som «Juleoratoriet» av J.S. Bach og musikalen «Spelemann på taket» viser litt av spennvidda. Koret samarbeider ofte med Symfoniorkesteret og HVO Brass Band.
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Symfoniorkesteret ved Høgskulen i Volda/VUC symphony orchestra
Kva seier du til å vere med i landets einaste symfoniorkester som er knytt til ein høgskule? Repertoaret er allsidig, alt frå populærmusikk til symfoniske og kyrkjemusikalske verk. Symfoniorkesteret har som tradisjon å halde årlege konsertar med profesjonelle solistar, mellom anna med Griegs A-moll-konsert. I samarbeid med Høgskulekoret har mellom anna Händels ”Messias” og ”Elias” av Mendelssohn blitt framførte. Spelar du strykeinstrument, treblås, messing eller slagverk? Du er velkomen til å bli med.
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