Exams at Volda University College mainly take place at the end of the autumn term and the end of the spring term.

Exam dates are published in the exam schedule. Re-sit exams are arranged in the following term if there are students entitled to re-sit exams. These exams take place outside of the normal exam periods. The deadline to sign up for both regular and re-sit exams is 1st September for the autumn term and 1st February for the spring term. Students with disabilities or other needs may apply for adapted exams.
For questions about exams, contact us at eksamen@hivolda.no or by telephone at (+47) 7007 5000.
Volda University College utilizes several different forms of evaluation and exams, separately or together. Evaluation and exam form for each course/programme is available in the present course and programme descriptions. See the link below for more information about the completion of exams and submissions of papers.