Mather Othman
Phone: 465 23 208
Mail: Maher.oth95@gmail.com
As the leader of the Student Parliament, I actively work to promote a vibrant student democracy where students are heard and have influence. My goal is to continuously improve the University, with a strong emphasis on student welfare, safety, and environmental protection. I lead, coordinate, and prioritize various tasks within the Executive Board, and represent the students externally. I have regular collaborative meetings with the leadership of the University and SiVolda, and also follow up with the board of Fadderveka in Volda. Furthermore, I work closely with various student organizations to ensure good cooperation and support for student initiatives.

Vice Chair and International Representative
Sander Allman
Phone: 410 75 771
Email: Sander.allman@gmail.com
As the international representative, I work to ensure that HVO excels in inclusion, providing meeting places and events for students. In my role as vice chair, I support the chairperson, participate in meetings with the leadership, and follow up on the issues we are working on.

Information Manager
Nina Skara Pettersen
Email: ninasp@stud.hivolda.no
As the information manager, I work to make the Student Parliament more visible to the students and communicate our activities and work. I take care of the graphic profile and expression, as well as social media.

Academic Affairs Manager
Noah Grasdal Aarseth
Email: Noah.aarseth@gmail.com
As the academic affairs manager, I work to ensure that all students at HVO have the best possible study quality and feel comfortable in their studies. I follow up with the elected representatives of the study programs and organize general meetings for representatives every semester.

Welfare Officer
Susanne Fremmerlid Lauridsen
Email: susanlau@stud.hivolda.no
As the welfare officer, I aim to contribute to an active and inclusive student environment with the best possible welfare services for all students at the University. I follow up with student organizations and festivals at HVO, assist them in applying for welfare funds, and also collaborate with the Welfare Group at the University.

Organizational Advisor (on leave)
Marit Aklestad
Telefon: 70 07 51 51 // 916 94 698
E-post: aklestad@hivolda.no
As an organizational advisor, my work focuses on facilitating the Student Democracy to unfold optimally. I serve as the secretariat for the Student Parliament, with administrative responsibilities including finance, meeting management, student political guidance, organizational development, training and support for the Executive Board, communication, and more. I am available during office hours Monday to Thursday and can also be reached via email and mobile. Please feel free to reach out!