I would love to join!
Would you like to improve student life? Do you miss things happening, meeting others, making something meaningful or get discharged for good ideas or maybe being inspired by others?
The government has given resources to be used to “give as many students as possible access to social amenities”. It makes room for plenty of activities, events and ideas within the framework of transmission control guidelines.
YOU can apply to these resources and join to get things to happen for students in Volda! That it is low key means that it should be easy to join. The activity or the idea would also be inclusive, alcohol free and comes with the resposibility to follow the guidelines of transmission control within the respective situation locally.
The Application form is simple and answers are quick. Do you have a good idea, but you are unsure if it's possible to get it? We have a group that you can air it with, as well as help with tips and advice on how to get venues, complete registration and marketing. Do not hesitate to get in touch: velferdsgruppa@hivolda.no