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Kate Kartveit




Current position                 Dean at Volda University College, Norway


2016 - 2020                       Ass. professor Ph.d. in TV- and Multimedia Journalism,
Danish School of Media and Journalism (DMJX), Copenhagen, Denmark


2013 – 2016                      PhD-fellow Aalborg University


2011 - 2011                       Lecturer at Monash University, Melbourne, Australia


2009 – 2012                      Guest lecturer at University of Technology, Sydney


2006 – 2016                      Ass. Professor at DMJX


2000 – 2005                      Associated Professor (Førstelektor) at University of Stavanger and Nord University, Norway

1983 – 2000                      Engineer, producer, director and journalist at NRK (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation)


2000 – 2019                      Guest lecturer: University of Greenland, University of Latvia, Riga, University of Technology, Sydney, University of CEU San Pablo-Madrid, Spain, College of Media, Denmark, Vilnius University, and Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania, Oslo University College, Norway, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada, Pontifica Universidad Católica de Chile

Professional media experience

1996 – 2002                      Investigative reporter and editor Brennpunkt, NRK, Norway


1993 – 1995                      Group Manager NRK, Norway


1992 – 1995                      Producer, director and journalist NRK, Norway 


1983 – 1993                      Camera operator, video-editor NRK and freelance TV-journalist and producer NRK, Norway



2016                                   Ph.D.-degree Aalborg University


1998 – 2000                      Master of Philosophy in Screenwriting, University of Bergen, Norway


1986  - 1988                      Candidata magisterii (Mass communication, Visual communication, Mass culture and Folk culture, Mass Litterature) University of Bergen, Norway


1988 – 1989                      State Scholarship: Studies at Szinház és Filmmüvészeti Föiskola, Budapest, Hungary


1981 – 1983                      Program engineer, NRK, Norwa


1986 – 1986                      Business economics and Social economics, NHH, Norwegian School of Economics


Kartveit, Kate (2020) Partiernes valgvideoer under luppen. In Guldbrandsen, I. T.  and Just S. N. (Eds.) (107 – 132) #FV19 Politisk kommunikasjon på digitale medier. Samfundslitteratur, Copenhagen.


Kartveit, Kate (2020) How do they do it? Multimedia journalism and perception of the practice. Journalism Volume: 21 issue: 10, page(s): 1468-1485


Kartveit, Kate (2018) TV 2 NEWS og nyheder. In TV-ANALYSE. Agger, G., Rieber Christensen, J. & Brix Jacobsen, L. (red.). 1 udg. Aalborg: Systime, MÆRKK - Æstetik og kommunikation; nr. 07 (pp. 59-83).

Kartveit, Kate (2018) They never made it to the end: Reader uses of a multimedia narrative. In Journal of Applied Journalism & Media Studies. 7/2 pp. 289-300


Kartveit, Kate (2016). Multimedia journalism and narrative flow. PhD Series Faculty of Humanities, Aalborg University. Aalborg University Press: Aalborg.


Kartveit, Kate (2015) Informationsorienteret caseudvælgelse og den usædvanlige nyhedshistorie. In  Graakjær, N. J. & Jessen, I. B. (Eds.) Selektion – om udvælgelse af medietekster til analyse (39 - 56) Aarhus: Systime.


Hvad er (god) public service-journalistik? Hans-Henrik Holm, Kate Kartveit and Flemming Svith I: Public Service - i praksis og I fremtiden, Erik Nordahl Svendsen (ed.) Forlaget Ajour 2010

Kartveit, Kate (2009). Journalism teaching and experiential learning. In: Journalism research, Red: Andrius Vaisnys, Vilnius University Press.

Kartveit, Kate (2008) Narrative skabeloner i TV-nyhederne. In Holm, H-H., Kartveit, K. & Svith, F. (Eds.) Når nyheder bliver til – på DR og TV2 (pp. 11-142). Aarhus: Forlaget Ajour.


Kartveit, Kate (2006) TV-journalistikkens ABC, IJ-forlaget: Kristiandsand.



Scientific articles and book chapters