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Jade Jørgen Michael Sandstedt


Institutt for språk og litteratur

Eg er nordisk språkforskar ved Høgskulen i Volda og er for tida også engasjert i prosjektet, Experimental Approaches to Syntactic Optionality (ExSynOp; PI Björn Lundquist) ved Universitetet i Tromsø. Eg jobbar med eit breitt spekter av språkvitskaplege emne, men eg er spesielt interessert i (morfo)fonologisk og (morfo)syntaktisk variabilitet, så vel som individuelle skilnader i taleplanlegging, -produksjon og -oppfatting. Eg har òg mykje fokus på fonologiske representasjonar, lydendringar, og nordisk språkhistorie.

I am a Nordic linguist at Volda University College and currently also engaged in the project Experimental Approaches to Syntactic Optionality (ExSynOp; PI Björn Lundquist) at the University of Tromsø. My current research focuses on (morpho)phonological and (morpho)syntactic variability as well as individual differences in speech planning, production, and comprehension. However, I am interested in a wide variety of linguistic subjects, espceially matters relating to phonological representations, sound change, and Nordic language history.

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Scientific articles and book chapters

Plant Remains as Sources to Cultural History in Southeast Norway
Published 2023 by Karoline Kjesrud, Luka Natassja Olsen, Irene Teixidor Toneu, Jade Jørgen Michael Sandstedt, Anneleen Kool, Linda Christiansen

Bilectal Exposure Modulates Neural Signatures to Conflicting Grammatical Properties: Norway as a Natural Laboratory
Published 2023 by Maki Kubota, Jorge Gonzalez Alonso, Isabel Nadine Jensen, Alicia Luque, Sergio Miguel Pereira Soares, Yanina Prystauka, Øystein Alexander Vangsnes, Merete Brendeford Anderssen, Jade Jørgen Michael Sandstedt, Jason Rothman

Successes and shortcomings of phonological accounts of Scandinavian object shift
Published 2022 by Paulina Lyskawa, Jade Jørgen Michael Sandstedt, Eline Visser, Nathan Joel Young, Bjørn Lundquist

Historical, archaeological and linguistic evidence test the phylogenetic inference of Viking-Age plant use
Published 2021 by Irene Teixidor Toneu, Anneleen Kool, Simon J. Greenhill, Karoline Kjesrud, Jade Sandstedt, Vincent Manzanilla, Fiona M. Jordan

A reanalysis of abstract contrasts and opacity in Bondu-so tongue root harmony
Published 2020 by Jade Sandstedt

Vowel harmony decay in Old Norwegian
Published 2020 by Jade Sandstedt

Transparency and blocking in Old Norwegian height harmony
Published 2017 by Jade Sandstedt

Other works

The prosodic word (tone accent phrase) is the core planning unit in Norwegian speech planning/production
Published 2023 by Jade Jørgen Michael Sandstedt, Bror-Magnus Sviland Strand, Björn Lundquist

Word order regularization is not driven by processing demands in language use
Published 2023 by Paulina Angelika Lyskawa, Jade Jørgen Michael Sandstedt, Björn Lundquist, Bror-Magnus Sviland Strand

The role of grammatical alignment, engagement, and exposure in cross- dialectal influence on bilectal processing
Published 2023 by Jade Sandstedt, Maki Kubota, Merete Brendeford Anderssen, Jeannique Darby, Stig Jarle Helset, Yanina Prystauka, Jason Rothman, Elaheh Tavakoli, Øystein Alexander Vangsnes

The distinct grammars of bilectal processing: Evidence from Norwegian ERPs
Published 2023 by Jade Sandstedt, Maki Kubota, Merete Brendeford Anderssen, Jeannique Darby, Stig Jarle Helset, Yanina Prystauka, Jason Rothman, Elaheh Tavakoli, Øystein Alexander Vangsnes

Kenneth sjonglerer to dialekter – forskere vil se om hjernen oppfatter det som ulike språk
Published 2022 by Malin Nygård Solberg, Marius Eriksen Guttormsen, Jade Sandstedt

Volda-forskarar skal finne ut korleis vi snakkar - og evt tenker før vi snakkar
Published 2022 by Jade Sandstedt

Combining historical, archaeological, linguistic, and ethnobotanical evidence to infer Viking-Age plant use
Published 2022 by Anneleen Kool, Karoline Kjesrud, Jade Sandstedt, Irene Teixidor-Toneu

Tverrdialektal påverknad på bidialektal prosessering: bevis frå norske ERPar
Published 2022 by Jade Sandstedt, Maki Kubota, Merete Andersen, Jeannique Darby, Stig Jarle Helset, Yanina Prystauka, Elaheh Tavakoli, Øystein Alexander Vangsnes, Øystein Vangsnes, Jason Rothman

The production and planning of syntactic variation
Published 2022 by Paulina Lyskawa, Jade Sandstedt

The production and planning of syntactic optionality
Published 2022 by Jade Sandstedt, Paulina Lyskawa

Bidialectal Exposure Modulates Neural Signatures to Conflicting Grammatical Properties: Norway as a Natural Laboratory
Published 2022 by Øystein Alexander Vangsnes, Merete Andersen, Maki Kubota, Jorge Ángel González, Yanina Prystauka, Isabel Nadine Jensen, Jade Sandstedt, Jason Rothman, Sergio Miguel Pereira Soares, Alicia Luque

Successes and shortcomings of phonological accounts of Scandinavian object shift
Published 2022 by Paulina Lyskawa, Jade Jørgen Michael Sandstedt, Eline Visser, Nathan Joel Young, Bjørn Lundquist

Angelica and sorrel salad: Ethnobotanical, historical, linguistic and archaeological evidence for Viking-Age plant use
Published 2021 by Fiona M. Jordan, Irene Teixidor Toneu, Anneleen Kool, Karoline Kjesrud, Jade Jørgen Michael Sandstedt, Simon J. Greenhill, Paul Heggarty

How did the Vikings use plants: Testing phylogenetic inference of past botanical cultures.
Published 2021 by Fiona M. Jordan, Irene Teixidor Toneu, Anneleen Kool, Karoline Kjesrud, Jade Jørgen Michael Sandstedt, Simon J. Greenhill, Paul Heggarty

Mennesker og planter i fortid og fremtid
Published 2021 by Anneleen Kool, Karoline Kjesrud, Irene Teixidor-Toneu, Jade Jørgen Sandstedt

Feature specifications and contrast in vowel harmony: The orthography and phonology of Old Norwegian height harmony 234s.
Published 2018 by Jade Sandstedt