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Kristin Elin Walseth

Professor II

Institutt for idrett og friluftsliv




Folkehelse og livsmestring - med utgangspunkt i fagene [ISBN 9788215070759]
Published 2023 by Kristin Walseth, Øyvind Førland Standal
Publisher: Universitetsforlaget

Scientific articles and book chapters

Opening our eyes to student-centered practice. Learning from preservice teachers' experiences.
Published 2024 by Tonje Fjogstad Langnes, Jolanta Kilanowska, Kristin Walseth, Kimberly Oliver

Bakgrunn for temaet Folkehelse og livsmestring
Published 2023 by Ingunn Marie Eriksen, Kristin Walseth, Øyvind Førland Standal

Minoritetsstudenters møte med friluftsliv i kroppsøvingslærerutdanningen
Published 2023 by Kristin Walseth, Hummam Khan

How pupils’ playfulness creates possibilities for pleasure and learning in physical education
Published 2023 by Iselin Aartun, Karen Lambert, Kristin Walseth

The formation of classed health lifestyles during youth: A two-generational, longitudinal approach
Published 2023 by Ingunn Marie Eriksen, Kari Stefansen, Tonje Fjogstad Langnes, Kristin Walseth

This is what I learned about the body on social media: PETE students’ experiences with body pressure and body positivity
Published 2021 by Tonje Fjogstad Langnes, Kristin Walseth

Med kropp som prosjekt
Published 2021 by Ingunn Marie Eriksen, Kristin Walseth

Jenter og kroppsøving. Hvordan kan en aktivistisk tilnærming bedre jenters erfaring med kroppsøvingsfaget?
Published 2020 by Berit Engebretsen, Kristin Walseth, Lisbeth Elvebakk

Pedagogies of embodiment in physical education - a literature review
Published 2020 by Iselin Aartun, Kristin Walseth, Øyvind Førland Standal, David Kirk

Kroppsøving og kulturelt mangfold
Published 2019 by Kristin Walseth

The constitution of the ‘able’ and ‘less able’ student in physical education in Norway
Published 2019 by Erik Aasland, Kristin Walseth, Gunn Helene Engelsrud

Young women’s constructions of valued bodies: Healthy, athletic, beautiful and dieting bodies
Published 2019 by Kristin Walseth, Thea Tidslevold

Kroppen på Instagram -Ungdoms refleksjoner rundt kroppsideal og kroppspress
Published 2018 by Lisbeth Elvebakk, Berit Engebretsen, Kristin Walseth

Meaningful experiences in PE for all students: an activist research approach
Published 2018 by Kristin Walseth, Berit Engebretsen, Lisbeth Elvebakk

The changing value of vigorous activity and the paradox of utilising exercise as punishment in physical education
Published 2017 by Erik Aasland, Kristin Walseth, Gunn Engelsrud

Girls’ bodily activities in physical education How current fitness and sport discourses influence girls’ identity construction
Published 2017 by Kristin Walseth, Iselin Aartun, Gunn Engelsrud

Sport, youth and religion
Published 2016 by Kristin Walseth

Sport and integration discourse in Norway: how do policy makers perceive and respond to the sporting needs of Muslim communities?
Published 2016 by Kristin Walseth

Sport within Muslim organizations in Norway: ethnic segregated activities as arena for integration
Published 2016 by Kristin Walseth

Muslim girls' experiences in physical education in Norway: What role does religiosity play?
Published 2015 by Kristin Walseth

Heteronormativitet i kroppsøvingsfaget
Published 2014 by Kristin Walseth, Heidi Hæhre

Young Norwegian-Pakistani women and sport: How does culture and religiosity matter?
Published 2014 by Kristin Walseth, Åse Strandbu

Combining elite women's soccer and education: Norway and the NCAA
Published 2013 by Ciara McCormack, Kristin Walseth

Norwegian-Pakistani Girls’ Experiences in Physical Education in Norway
Published 2013 by Kristin Walseth

Islam's view on physical activity and sport: Egyptian women interpreting Islam
Published 2011 by Kristin Walseth, Kari Fasting

Minoritetsjenter i idretten - status og utfordringer
Published 2011 by Kristin Walseth

Ballspill og integrasjon. Kan idretten bygge sosiale nettverk?
Published 2009 by Kristin Walseth

Bridging and bonding social capital in sport- experiences of young women with an immigrant background
Published 2008 by Kristin Walseth

Women Athletes' Personal Responses to Sexual Harassment in Sport
Published 2007 by Kari Fasting, Celia Brackenridge, Kristin Walseth

Young muslim women and sport : the impact of identity work
Published 2006 by Kristin Walseth

Young Muslim Women and Sport: the Impact of Identity Work
Published 2006 by Kristin Walseth

Sport and belonging
Published 2006 by Kristin Walseth

Sport as a means of integrating minority women
Published 2004 by Kristin Walseth, Kari Fasting

Islam's view on physical activity and sport : Egyptian women interpreting Islam
Published 2003 by Kristin Walseth, Kari Fasting

Consequences of sexual harassment in sport for female athletes
Published 2002 by Kari Fasting, Celia Brackenridge, Kristin Walseth

Other works

Hvordan elevers lekenhet kan skape muligheter for lystbetont aktivitet og kroppslig læring i kroppsøving
Published 2023 by Iselin Aartun, Karen Lambert, Kristin Walseth

Published 2023 by Kristin Walseth, Øyvind Førland Standal

Undervisningsmateriale utviklet for folkehelse og livsmestring
Published 2023 by Kristin Walseth, Øyvind Førland Standal, Emilie Jåtog Henjum, Torvald Ormestad

Visuelle metoder som verktøy i arbeidet med FoL
Published 2023 by Kristin Walseth

Literacies for Health and Life skills
Published 2023 by Kristin Walseth

How Pupils’ Playfulness creates Possibilities for Pleasure and Learning in Physical Education
Published 2023 by Iselin Aartun, Kristin Walseth, Karen Lambert

Cross-professional Collaboration in Health and Well-being
Published 2023 by Kristin Walseth, Tonje Fjogstad Langnes, Siv Lund, Judith Helene Bratten

Sending Physical Education Preservice Teachers into School Practicum – What Have We Learned and Where Do We Go From Here?
Published 2023 by Tonje Fjogstad Langnes, Jolanta Kilanowska, Kristin Walseth, Kimberly Oliver

Opening our eyes to student-centered practice: Learning from preservice teachers’ experiences.
Published 2023 by Tonje Fjogstad Langnes, Jolanta Kilanowska, Kristin Walseth, Kimberly Oliver

Student-sentrert undervisning i kroppsøvings-faget og lærerutdanningen
Published 2023 by Tonje Fjogstad Langnes, Jolanta Kilanowska, Kristin Walseth, Kimberly Oliver

Aktivist tilnærming til kroppsøvignsfaget
Published 2022 by Kristin Walseth

Literacies for Health and Life skills
Published 2022 by Kristin Walseth

Minoritetsstudenters møte med friluftslivsundervisningen
Published 2022 by Kristin Walseth, Hummam Khan

Tverrprofesjonelt samarbeid om Folkehelse og livsmestring
Published 2022 by Kristin Walseth, Siv Lund, Tonje Fjogstad Langnes, Judith Helene Bratten

Nye ideer i gamle rammer. Lærerstudenters erfaring med elevsentert undervisning
Published 2022 by Tonje Fjogstad Langnes, Jolanta Kilanowska, Kristin Walseth, Judith Helene Bratten

På tide å sette nye mål for gjennomføring av doktorgrad
Published 2021 by Silje Bringsrud Fekjær, Kristin Walseth

Med kropp som prosjekt: Estetisering og kroppspraksiser i ungdomstida
Published 2021 by Kristin Walseth, Ingunn Marie Eriksen

Embodiment i kroppsøvingsforskning -hvordan begrepet brukes og forstås
Published 2019 by Iselin Aartun, Kristin Walseth, Øyvind F. Standal

Young women’s constructions of valued bodies: Healthy, athletic, beautiful and dieting bodies
Published 2019 by Kristin Walseth, Thea Tidslevold

Published 2018 by Tonje Fjogstad Langnes, Kristin Walseth

Flerkulturell kroppsøving - hva er det?
Published 2018 by Kristin Walseth

Embodied Learning in PE - an activist approach
Published 2018 by Kristin Walseth

The Discursive Constitution of Student «Ability» in Physical Education
Published 2018 by Erik Aasland, Kristin Walseth, Gunn Engelsrud

Den diskursive konstitueringen av den "dyktige" og "mindre dyktige" elev i norsk kroppsøving
Published 2018 by Erik Aasland, Kristin Walseth, Gunn Engelsrud

Aktivistisk tilnærming som pedagogisk modell
Published 2017 by Kristin Walseth

Meningsfulle erfaringer i kroppsøving for alle studenter - en aktivistisk tilnærming
Published 2017 by Kristin Walseth, Lisbeth Elvebakk, Berit Engebretsen

Meaningful experiences in PE for all students - an activist approach
Published 2017 by Kristin Walseth, Lisbeth Elvebakk, Berit Engebretsen

Hvordan kan endring i praksisfellesskapet påvirke læring i kroppsøvingsfaget?
Published 2017 by Berit Engebretsen, Lisbeth Elvebakk, Kristin Walseth

Sport and integration of minority women in Europe
Published 2017 by Kristin Walseth

Body curriculum in schools
Published 2017 by Kristin Walseth, Berit Engebretsen, Lisbeth Elvebakk

Body curriculum - en pilotstudie av hvordan skolen kan bidra til å utvikle elevers kritiske refleksjon og distanse i forhold til kroppsideal og kroppspress
Published 2016 by Kristin Walseth, Berit Engebretsen, Lisbeth Elvebakk

Skandaløs prosess rundt fordeling av stipendiater
Published 2016 by Anders Breidlid, Øyvind H. Henriksen, Hilde Hiim, Halla Bjørk Holmarsdottir, Ann Merete Otterstad, Kristin Walseth, Nina Rossholt

Body curriculum og aktivist forskning i kroppsøving
Published 2015 by Kristin Walseth, Berit Engebretsen, Lisbeth Elvebakk

Jenter vil ha fitness i gymmen
Published 2015 by Kristin Walseth

Kroppsmodifisering i kroppsøving
Published 2015 by Kristin Walseth

Verdsatte kropper og Body Curriculum i skolen
Published 2015 by Kristin Walseth

Young BODI
Published 2015 by Kristin Walseth

Kroppsøving i et samfunn preget av mangfold
Published 2015 by Kristin Walseth

Girls' experiences with body and bodily activities in Physical Education
Published 2014 by Kristin Walseth

Kjønn og seksualitet i kroppsøvingsfaget
Published 2014 by Kristin Walseth

Norwegian-Pakistani Girls' Experiences in Physical Education in Norway
Published 2013 by Kristin Walseth

Sport within Muslim organizations in Norway
Published 2012 by Kristin Walseth

Norwegian-Pakistani girls' experiences in Physical Education - What role does religiosity play?
Published 2012 by Kristin Walseth

Sport, Islam and Muslim Communities in Europe
Published 2010 by Kristin Walseth

Sport among Young Norwegian-Pakistani women: The Role of Religion and Culture
Published 2010 by Kristin Walseth

Sport for Muslims in Norway
Published 2009 by Kristin Walseth

Sport and integration in Norway
Published 2009 by Kristin Walseth

Idrett og integrasjon. Muslimske jenters erfaringer
Published 2009 by Kristin Walseth

Sport and ethnic identity
Published 2008 by Kristin Walseth

Minoritetsjenter og utdanning
Published 2008 by Kristin Walseth

Sport and integration - the experience of young Muslim women [ISBN 978-82-502-0394-5] 62s.
Published 2006 by Kristin Walseth

Published 2006 by Kristin Walseth

Muslimske jenter velger bort idrett
Published 2006 by Kristin Walseth

Sport and different forms of belonging
Published 2005 by Kristin Walseth

Sport and different forms of belonging
Published 2005 by Kristin Walseth

Minority women and sport - the role of different integration processes
Published 2004 by Kristin Walseth

The integration of young Muslim women in Norwegian Sport
Published 2004 by Kristin Walseth

Published 2003 by Kristin Walseth

Sexual harassing coaches
Published 2003 by Kari Fasting, Ceila Brackenridge, Kristin Walseth

Characteristics of sexual harassing coaches
Published 2003 by Kari Fasting, Ceila Brackenridge, Kristin Walseth, Erich Müller, Hermann Schwameder, Gerhard Zallinger, Verena Fastenbauer

Etnisitet, kjønn og deltagelse i fysisk aktivitet og idrett
Published 2003 by Kristin Walseth

Flerkulturell idrett
Published 2003 by Kristin Walseth

Flerkulturell kroppsøving
Published 2003 by Kristin Walseth

Flerkulturell fotball
Published 2003 by Kristin Walseth

Sport and the integration of minority women
Published 2003 by Kristin Walseth, Kari Fasting, Erich Müller, Hermann Schwameder, Gerhard Zallinger, Verena Fastenbauer

En problematisering av idretten som arena for integrasjon av etniske minoriteter
Published 2002 by Kristin Walseth

Socio-cultural integration of immigrants within sport
Published 2002 by Kristin Walseth, Kari Fasting

“… you just find your place in the culture” Sport milieu and women athletes’ experiences of sexual harassment
Published 2002 by Kari Fasting, Celia Brackenridge, Kristin Walseth

Sexual Harassment in Sport. Consequences for the female athlete
Published 2002 by Kari Fasting, Celia Brackenridge, Kristin Walseth

Emotional Reactions of Elite Female Athletes to Sexual Harassment in Sport
Published 2002 by Kari Fasting, Celia Brackenridge, Kristin Walseth

En problematisering av idretten som arena for integrasjon av etniske minoriteter
Published 2002 by Kristin Walseth

Coping with sexual harassment
Published 2001 by Kari Fasting, Celia Brackenridge, Kristin Walseth, Athanasios Papaioannou, Marios Goudas, Yannis Theodorakis

Female athletes behavioural reactions to sexual harassment
Published 2001 by Kari Fasting, Celia Brackenridge, Kristin Walseth, Joachim Mester, Gerard King, Heiko Strüder, Elias Tsolakidis, Astrid Osterburg

Islam, Women and Sport
Published 1999 by Kari Fasting, Kristin Walseth