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Henriette Hafsaas




  • Rådgivar for ekstern finansiering av forsking, t.d. frå Noregs forskingsråd, Horisont Europa og Det europeiske forskingsrådet. Formidling av utlysingar, støtte i søknadsarbeidet og strategisk koordinering av prosjektsøknader. 
  • Rådgivar for leiing og rektorat i forskingsspørsmål.
  • Sakshandsaming i FoU-spørsmål. 
  • Overordna ansvar for vitskapleg publisering og rapportering. 
  • Ansvar for utvikling av og støtte til forskingsgrupper. 
  • Administrativ støtte til stipendiatane. 
  • Overordna ansvar for forskingsformidling.
  • Overordna ansvar for forskingsetikk og personvern.
  • Sekretær og sakshandsamar i Forskingsutvalet.
  • Medlem i Publiseringsutvalet.
  • Observatør i ph.d.-utvalet i helse- og sosialfag ved HVO og HiM.
  • Observatør i Redelighetsutvalget. 
  • Møter i Dekanmøtet.
  • Representant for HVO i ulike eksterne organ knytt til FoU.
  • Overordna ansvar for nettsidene om forsking. 


  • Doktorgrad i arkeologi med avhandlinga War on the southern frontier of the emerging state of ancient Egypt. A warfare perspective on the history of the A-Group people in Lower Nubia during the 4th millennium BCE.  
  • Hovudfag i arkeologi.
  • Mellomfag i arkeologi og sosialantropologi.
  • Grunnfag i kulturvitskap.
  • Emne i egyptologi, historie, geologi og biologi.




Από τη Νουβία στο Σουδάν με τη ματιά της Ελληνο-Νορβηγικής Αρχαιολογικιής Αποστολής/From Nubia to Sudan through the eyes of the Greek-Norwegian Archaeological Mission [ISBN 978-82-7453-083-6] 56s.
Published 2011 by Alexandros Tsakos, Henriette Hafsaas-Tsakos

Connecting south and north - Sudan Studies from Bergen in Honour of Mahmoud Salih [ISBN 978-82-7453-079-9] 137s.
Published 2009 by Henriette Hafsaas-Tsakos, Alexandros Tsakos
Publisher: Universitetet i Bergen

Cattle Pastoralists in a Multicultural Setting. The C-Group People of Lower Nubia 2500-1500 BCE [ISBN 978-82-7453-035-5] 190s.
Published 2006 by Henriette Hafsaas

Scientific articles and book chapters

The Role of Warfare and Headhunting in Forming Ethnic Identity: Violent Clashes between A-Group and Naqada Peoples in Lower Nubia (mid-4th millennium BCE)
Published 2023 by Henriette Hafsaas

Michael and other archangels behind an eight-pointed cross-symbol from Medieval Nubia: A view from Sai Island in northern Sudan
Published 2021 by Henriette Hafsaas, Alexandros Tsakos

The C-Group people in Lower Nubia: Cattle pastoralists on the frontier between Egypt and Kush
Published 2020 by Henriette Hafsaas

The Nubian frontier as a refuge area warrior society between c. 1200 and c. 1800 CE: A comparison between Nubia and the Ottoman balkans
Published 2019 by Henriette Hafsaas

Nubian cathedrals with granite columns: A view from Sai Island
Published 2016 by Henriette Hafsaas-Tsakos, Alexandros Tsakos

A Note on the Medieval Period of Sai Island
Published 2014 by Alexandros Tsakos, Henriette Hafsaas-Tsakos

Edges of bronze and expressions of masculinity: the emergence of a warrior class at Kerma in Sudan
Published 2013 by Henriette Hafsaas-Tsakos

A second look into the medieval period on Sai Island
Published 2012 by Henriette Hafsaas-Tsakos, Alexandros Tsakos

Katedralen på Sai Gresk-norske utgravninger av en middelalderkirke i Sudan
Published 2011 by Alexandros Tsakos, Henriette Hafsaas

Ethical implications of salvage archaeology and dam building: The clash between archaeologists and local people in Dar al-Manasir, Sudan
Published 2011 by Henriette Hafsaas-Tsakos

Between Kush and Egypt: The C-Group people of Lower Nubia during the Middle Kingdom and Second Intermediate Period
Published 2010 by Henriette Hafsaas-Tsakos

The Kingdom of Kush: An African Centre on the Periphery of the Bronze Age World System
Published 2009 by Henriette Hafsaas Tsakos

First Glimpses into the Medieval Period on Sai Island
Published 2009 by Henriette Hafsaas-Tsakos, Alexandros Tsakos

Hierarchy and heterarchy - The earliest cross-cultural trade along the Nile
Published 2009 by Henriette Hafsaas-Tsakos

The Origins of Consumption and Prohibition of Wine: A Case-Study from Ancient Palestine
Published 2009 by Henriette Hafsaas-Tsakos

Pots and People in an Anthropological Perspective. The C-Group People of Lower Nubia as a Case Study
Published 2006 by Henriette Hafsaas

Other works

Om eit forskingsprosjekt i Nubia i eit samanliknande perspektiv
Published 2022 by Henriette Hafsaas

Høgskulen i Volda: Kraftig kvinnebyks på karrierestigen
Published 2022 by Trude Carlsen, Henriette Hafsaas, Wenke Mork Rogne, Johann Roppen

Kraftig kvinnebyks på karrierestigen ved Høgskulen i Volda
Published 2022 by Henriette Hafsaas, Johann Roppen, Wenke Mork Rogne, Trude Carlsen

Har dobla talet på kvinner med toppkompetanse
Published 2022 by Wenke Mork Rogne, Johann Roppen, Henriette Hafsaas, Trude Carlsen

Kraftig kvinnebyks på karrierestigen ved HVO
Published 2022 by Trude Carlsen, Wenke Mork Rogne, Johann Roppen, Henriette Hafsaas

Kraftig kvinnebyks på karrierestigen ved Høgskulen i Volda
Published 2022 by Henriette Hafsaas, Johann Roppen

Large increase in women with top level competence at HVO
Published 2022 by Wenke Mork Rogne, Trude Carlsen, Johann Roppen, Henriette Hafsaas

Sjå sending om kvinneløft i forskinga
Published 2022 by Per Straume, Siv Therese Måseidvåg Gamlem, Silje Louise Dahl, Wenche Torrissen, Henriette Hafsaas

Kraftig kvinnebyks på karrierestigen ved HVO
Published 2022 by Lene Mo Flataker, Trude Carlsen, Henriette Hafsaas, Johann Roppen, Wenke Mork Rogne

God ettermiddag, Møre og Romsdal
Published 2021 by Henriette Hafsaas

From enemies to trading partners — The exchange between Hierakonpolis and the AGroup people of Lower Nubia (c. 3460–3100 BC)
Published 2021 by Henriette Hafsaas

The Bronze Age in Nubia: Explorations starting with the Scandinavian Joint Expedition material
Published 2021 by Henriette Hafsaas

Egne erfaringer rundt skreddersøm av tiltak for kjønnsbalanse
Published 2021 by Henriette Hafsaas

Published 2017 by Henriette Hafsaas, Espen Wæhle, Axel Sommerfelt

Egypts første grensekrig: Steinkøller, flintdolkar og knuste kranium i Nubia
Published 2017 by Henriette Hafsaas

The Nubian frontier as a refuge area warrior society between c. 1200 and c. 1800 CE
Published 2016 by Henriette Hafsaas-Tsakos

Remote Shelter: Andersgrotta, Norway
Published 2016 by Henriette Hafsaas-Tsakos

Krig og krigarar som ein faktor i statsdanninga i Egypt
Published 2016 by Henriette Hafsaas-Tsakos

War on the southern frontier of the emerging state of ancient Egypt. A warfare perspective on the history of the A-Group people in Lower Nubia during the 4th millennium BCE [ISBN 978-82-308-2547-1]
Published 2015 by Henriette Hafsaas-Tsakos, Randi Håland

River War in the 21st century
Published 2012 by Henriette Hafsaas-Tsakos

A violent establishment of the ethnic boundary between the A-Group people and Naqada people in Lower Nubia?
Published 2012 by Henriette Hafsaas-Tsakos

Petition to Stop the Dams in Sudan European Committee for Preserving the Middle Nile
Published 2012 by Peter Mitchell, Hans-Åke Nordström, Elena A. A. Garcea, Henriette Hafsaas-Tsakos, Alexandros Tsakos, Randi Håland

Preserving the Middle Nile (Sudan)
Published 2012 by Randi Håland, P Mitchell, Henriette Hafsaas-Tsakos, Alexandros Tsakos, Elena Garcea, H A Nordstrom

Dams of the Nile and the Ethical Dilemmas of Archaeologists
Published 2011 by Henriette Hafsaas-Tsakos

Nilen i det 21. århundre: Skjebnen til elven, folkene, landskapet og kulturminnene
Published 2011 by Henriette Hafsaas-Tsakos

Nilen i det 21. århundre: Skjebnen til elven, folkene, landskapet og kulturminnene
Published 2011 by Henriette Hafsaas-Tsakos

The Cathedral in the sand - Greek-Norwegian excavations in the Sudan
Published 2011 by Henriette Hafsaas-Tsakos, Alexandros Tsakos

Katedralen på Sai. Gresk-norske utgravninger av en middelalderkirke i Sudan
Published 2011 by Henriette Hafsaas-Tsakos, Alexandros Tsakos

God's Wife, God's Servant. The God's Wife of Amun (c. 740-525 BC)
Published 2011 by Henriette Hafsaas-Tsakos

Sudansk veikryss i 2011?
Published 2010 by Hildegunn Ruset, Henriette Hafsaas-Tsakos

The Second Field Season on Sai by the Greek-Norwegian Archaeological Mission
Published 2010 by Henriette Hafsaas-Tsakos

Edges of bronze and expressions of masculinity. The emergence of a warrior aristocracy at Kerma
Published 2010 by Henriette Hafsaas-Tsakos

Den ukjente Kong Kakara av Nedre Nubia og forholdet til Det ellevte dynastiet i Egypt
Published 2010 by Henriette Hafsaas-Tsakos

Kirker som bergtar. Reisemålet Lalibela
Published 2009 by Alexandros Tsakos, Henriette Hafsaas

Book Review: Karin Willemse, One Foot in Heaven. Narratives on Gender and Islam in Darfur, West Sudan. (Women and Gender. The Middle East and the Islamic World, volume 5. Leiden: Brill 2007), 546 pages
Published 2009 by Henriette Hafsaas-Tsakos

Book Review: Nefissa Naguib and Inger Marie Okkenhaug, Interpreting Welfare and Relief in the Middle East (Social, Economic and Political Studies of the Middle East and Asia, volume 103. Leiden: Brill 2008), 239 pages
Published 2009 by Alexandros Tsakos, Henriette Hafsaas-Tsakos

Kirker som bergtar. Reisemålet Lalibela
Published 2009 by Henriette Hafsaas Tsakos, Alexandros Tsakos

The Cathedral Project on Sai Island - The Greek-Norwegian Mission to the Sudan
Published 2009 by Henriette Hafsaas-Tsakos, Alexandros Tsakos

Mahmoud Salih - Connecting south and north
Published 2009 by Henriette Hafsaas-Tsakos, Alexandros Tsakos

Λαλιμπέλα: Οι Άγιοι Τόποι της Αιθιοπίας
Published 2008 by Alexandros Tsakos, Henriette Hafsaas Tsakos

Norske musikere på eventyr i Sudan
Published 2008 by Henriette Hafsaas-Tsakos

Innberetning fra utgravningene på Bjorvollen 50s.
Published 2008 by Henriette Hafsaas Tsakos

Rescuing the Cultural Heritage and Preserving the Cultural Landscape - Natural Environment and National Territory in Sudan and Ethiopia
Published 2008 by Henriette Hafsaas Tsakos, Alexandros Tsakos

The Cultural Landscape of the Fourth Cataract in the Wake of the Merowe Dam
Published 2008 by Henriette Hafsaas Tsakos, Alexandros Tsakos

Nye funn fra årets feltkurs på Stend
Published 2008 by Henriette Hafsaas Tsakos

The Preservation of Cultural Heritage in the Sudan:Ethics of Salvage Archaeology and the Rehabilitation of Two Museums
Published 2008 by Henriette Hafsaas Tsakos, Alexandros Tsakos

Avaldsnes - Jakten på Kongsgården
Published 2008 by Henriette Hafsaas Tsakos

Kampen om Nilen
Published 2007 by Henriette Hafsaas

På sporet av Harald Hårfagres kongsgård? Arkeologiske forundersøkelser på Avaldsnes i 2006
Published 2007 by Henriette Hafsaas

Development and Resistance. The Case of the Merowe Dam and the Manasir
Published 2007 by Henriette Hafsaas

Cattle Pastoralists in a Multicultural Setting. The C-Group People in Lower Nubia 2500-1500 BCE
Published 2007 by Henriette Hafsaas

The Beginning of Food Production in a Global Perspective
Published 2007 by Henriette Hafsaas

The Kingdom of Kush – A Centre on the Periphery of the Bronze Age World System in Afro-Eurasia
Published 2007 by Henriette Hafsaas

Expressions of Identity during the Neolithic in Northern Sudan
Published 2007 by Henriette Hafsaas

Utgravninger i Sudan
Published 2007 by Henriette Hafsaas, Ida Heierland

Grave lokalt – Tenke Global. Identitet og kulturkontakt i Sudan
Published 2007 by Henriette Hafsaas

Mellom Egypt og Kush
Published 2006 by Henriette Hafsaas

Nødutgravninger i Manasirenes land
Published 2006 by Henriette Hafsaas

Pots and People in a Multicultural Setting. The C-Group People of Lower Nubia 2500-1500 BCE
Published 2006 by Henriette Hafsaas

Commodities from Fruit Trees in Palestine during the Bronze Age
Published 2006 by Henriette Hafsaas

Between Kush and Egypt: The C-Group People of Lower Nubia during the Second Intermediate Period
Published 2006 by Henriette Hafsaas

Cattle Pastoralists in a Multicultural Setting. The C-Group People of Lower Nubia 2500-1500 BCE
Published 2006 by Henriette Hafsaas

Past and Present in the Land of the Manasir
Published 2006 by Henriette Hafsaas